Yearly Archives: 2011

Why Government Isn’t Open

It comes down to incentives. In private companies, what’s the worst thing that can happen to you, as a business owner? Losses. If you can’t make money, you can’t stay in business. Private sector industry loves communicating and advertising itself — far more than many of us prefer — because it has no choice. ItRead… Read more »

AFGE Joins with Progressive Groups at Jobs Not Cuts Rally on Capitol Hill

The American Federation of Government Employees, the country’s largest federal and DC employee union, joined hundreds of people in the American Dream Movement at the Jobs Not Cuts rally on Capitol Hill today. AFGE and the American Dream Movement are urging Congress to focus on creating good jobs, and making the tax system work forRead… Read more »

Call for speakers to join the speaker platform for A.L.I’s 10th updated Strategic Internal Communication in Government Conference in Washington, DC scheduled for March 5-8, 2012.

As we do every year we are seeking the most innovative speakers, the most ground breaking topics, and case-studies to make you say “Wow” to make this another successful event! Topics ranging, but not limited to: Engaging employees at all levels by connecting them to your organization’s goals and strategic plan for the future ReinventingRead… Read more »

National Dialog on Government Websites Is Over – What’s Next?

So the 2+ week National Dialog on Government Websites is over. It ended last night with 436 ideas, 1,663 comments, and 8,259 votes submitted by 992 contributors. If you didn’t get a chance to participate, the whole thing is archived for reference. Take a look – I think you’ll be impressed by the quality ofRead… Read more »

Running a Council Twitter stream

It’s terrifying. There. I said it. Judge all you like, if you’ve ever run one yourself. Have you? Or have you just sat there in your comfortable ergonomic chair in your comfortable study in your comfortable house sniping at everyone else getting it wrong? Because I hold my hand up freely – I was inRead… Read more »

Hosting a City Hackathon

I’m documenting the process leading up to the City of Reno’s first civic hackathon – maybe it will be useful for other cities. The Hack4Reno civic hackathon event will be held in downtown Reno on Oct. 15-16. Learn more at Get your own valid XHTML YouTube embed code Got any questions about hosting aRead… Read more »

Az simultaneously asks for federal HCR dollars and challenges HCR law

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer is asking the federal government for money to build her state’s health insurance exchange while simultaneously challenging the law. Arizona was one of the first states to get involved with the challenge to federal health care reform legislation, a fight which continues, the state is also seeking an exemption from healthRead… Read more »