Yearly Archives: 2011

The Road to Real ROI : Extending Your IT Investment Through Integration

From my colleague, Tom Tennant…interesting way to think about integration and ROI for IT investments… Okay, so you’re ready to build the bridge (you remember the bridge, right?) between your line-of-business (LOB) systems, whether that’s SAP, Oracle, PeopleSoft, and so forth, and your data (structured and unstructured). How do you do it strategically? And howRead… Read more »

Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Boeing, and Raytheon on Getting Your Foot In Their Door

If you had the opportunity to speak with VPs from Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin and Boeing simultaneously, what would you say? If you attended MED Week, you would have had the opportunity to figure out how your small businesses could align and even team with these primes. A panel discussion on supplier management —Read… Read more »

You Are A Twit

Or at least you should be If you haven’t yet discovered Twitter as an awesome way to find great project management resources, let me introduce you. You, this is Twitter. Twitter, meet you. You can easily search Twitter for whatever type of project management resources you are interested in. You will quickly notice people youRead… Read more »

The Intranet is not a single system

This post is not about stating anything new…but merely sharing some thoughts… In my new role I am also responsible for the councils Intranet, which is currently not fit for purpose as the core technology for content, much like our public website is using an outdated technology, it doesn’t support dynamic content and is generallyRead… Read more »

MTA transitions to 511

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (NY) announced that New Yorkers can now dial 511, the state’s travel information line, for any MTA-related issue or question. The 511 system will use an interactive voice response system to connect callers with customer service and travel information for all MTA agencies. This move allows the MTA to reduce theRead… Read more »

Take a number

We are not the customers of our own services. And even if we think we are, we are still not: we know too much, we cannot stop thinking as provider or designer. Sometimes we are the customers of other people’s services and that holds up a mirror – sometimes a very distorting mirror – toRead… Read more »

The Science of Community Management: DjangoCon Keynote

At OSCON this year, Jono Bacon, argued that we are entering a era of renaissance in open source community management – that increasingly we don’t just have to share stories but that repeatable, scientific approaches are increasingly available to us. In short, the art of community management is shifting to a science. With an enormousRead… Read more »

Quicklook Report: The Government-Industry Cybersecurity Summit of 28 Sep 2011

The Government-Industry Cybersecurity Summit was a meeting of cybersecurity practitioners looking for new approaches, new ideas, and new strategies for enhancing cybersecurity in and around government. The 28 September 2011 gathering at the Newseum saw over 200 people interacting together and with a set of world-class thought leaders from in and out of government.Read… Read more »