Yearly Archives: 2011

Fuel Efficiency by Way of Turbocharging?

We haven’t posted about vehicle efficiency here at the CEIL Blog in a while, but it’s never far from our minds. According to the EIA, gasoline prices in the US dropped throughout the summer (on average) but we still keep our eyes open for any technology that might help us and our burn less fuel.Read… Read more »

Coming up With Ideas

Coming up with ideas sounds really easy, but sometimes to get the simple but most effective ideas, it’s worth thinking about how to stimulate them. I’ve been working with local residents from community and arts groups and students from colleges and universities to help them come up with ideas for our competition. A few daysRead… Read more »

A Day in the Life of a Civil Engineer – Days 39 to 43

Day 39 through 43 Day 39—Monday, Sept. 26 On Monday I attended our staff development meeting. We discussed several of the projects that are either under review or construction. We also talked about the challenge of helping people understand and follow through our development process which is as follows: during the concept stage, our staffRead… Read more »

New to site: looking for benefits info.

I am new to the site and wonder if any one knows If state retirement benefits( time accrued) in Florida can be transferred or taken with you and added to federal service. Thanks! Trying to do the math and make some serious decisions about wanting to serve in DC and needing to live.

PM PrepCast Price Increase to $129.99

We have decided to increase the price for The PM PrepCast per January 1st, 2012. The price will be increased from currently $99.97 to new $129.99 per single-user license. The price for our other products will remain the same at this time. The primary reason for the increase is that customers and business partners alikeRead… Read more »

Houses and clouds

The Government Digital Service blog is essential reading. Two recent posts well worth a look: What is that beautiful house? The phrase “not a CMS” has become a bit of a joke around the GovUK office (to the point where more than a few people were humming Once In A Lifetime), but it’s a keyRead… Read more »

Google Scholarship Video Inspires Thoughts About Education

I just watched the following video, which was a Google Scholarship winner. Not only is it creative and fun to watch, but it also makes you think a lot about the state of education in the United States: Click here to watch the video: What do you think about some of the concepts andRead… Read more »

A Look at the Education vs Experience Debate

I understand the education versus training and experience debate, and I agree with the writer who said, “The answer is one that will keep you chasing your tail as you pursue it.” So, why have this discussion. Most of us will not deny that the best employees have both education, training and experience, but whatRead… Read more »