Yearly Archives: 2011

TSP Talk – Testing the lows… again

The volatility continued on Wall Street this past week as we saw wild swings in both directions culminating in a steep sell-off on Friday that took most of the major indices into the red for the week. For the TSP funds, the C-fund lost 0.41% last week, the S-fund dropped 1.69%, the I-fund was upRead… Read more »

We’re Already Cyborgs

I noticed the phenomenon XKCD describes above in a recent trip outside the states to Uzbekistan, via Munich. When I touched down in Germany, to my surprise the airport didn’t have wifi and data roaming was $20 a megabyte. With prices more fitting of truffles than data and no internet outlets like I had seenRead… Read more »

Maryland’s broadband expansion goes live

The first major phase of Maryland’s broadband expansion project is now live, bringing high-speed broadband access to much of Southern Maryland. Charles County, St. Mary’s and Calvert County all have expanded access, bringing new services to subscribers throughout some of Maryland’s more rural areas. Governor O’Malley was on hand to mark the milestone, the GovernorRead… Read more »

Houston, Texas FY 2012 budget analysis; themes of consolidation and cuts reign

Deltek Analyst Emily Magurne reports. Houston, Texas is the fourth largest city in the United States, with a population of 2.1 million and a broad industrial base in energy, manufacturing, aeronautics and transportation. After being elected in late 2009, Houston Mayor Annise Parker declared her administration would focus on balancing the city’s budget and selectingRead… Read more »

State of Indiana – Now reaching 1 million digital subscribers

Earlier this month, the State of Indiana crossed the 1 million subscriber milestone with their digital communications program. It’s sort of mind-boggling (and awesome) when you think about what that means: Indiana was able to get 1 million of their residents to raise their hands and say, “Yes, I want information directly from my governmentRead… Read more »