Yearly Archives: 2011

Start-up carsharing service comes to Stanford

A new peer-to-peer car-sharing serving that links people to cars via Facebook launched at Stanford University this week. Wheelz hopes to distinguish itself from similar services by using existing social networks on college and university campuses. To help amp up the trust factor, which can make or break the decision to lend a car toRead… Read more »

Open Or Complete?

I read a lot of commenting from open source enthusiasts about the disadvantages of what is not “open,” which frequently gets into philosophical concepts. I don’t derive much value from philosophical working. I work for successful completion. And I use open tools and other tools, often measuring one against the other. There is a differenceRead… Read more »

The Six-Pack – Week Five College Football – from Govloop’s Bureaucrat on Sports, the Hokie Guru

Congratulations to my friend, Govloop (Steve Ressler) on his upcoming marriage. Very happy for him and his fiance’. Let’s start this Thursday with something from Aaliyah: <span class=”font-size-5″>&lt;br/&gt;</span> Good morning… it’s been a while since the Hokie Guru has posted on college football here at Govloop. It seems like the college football season just startedRead… Read more »

MBTA to test plug-in hybrid pickups

The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority is testing 10 plug-in hybrid electric pickup trucks as part of a national test with Chrysler. In return for the vehicles, the MBTA has agreed to drive the Ram trucks at least 1,500 miles per month and to share data with Chrysler for the next three years. A $48 millionRead… Read more »

New York to launch another BRT route

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (NY) plans to introduce a bus rapid transit route in midtown Manhattan starting in November. The route will replace existing service on 34th Street between Second Avenue and Ninth Avenue. The Select Bus Service routes use wireless technology to extend green lights for approaching buses and operate in bus-only lanes (enforcedRead… Read more »

Mobile delivery

This is another ‘you’ve not really thought this through, have you Lou?’ post. Sorry about that – if you want more professional and cohesive writing go see here where Hewlett Packard are kindly hosting some of my scribblings. Mobile libraries, I am willing to bet, are an endangered species right now. Rarer than the ThompsonsRead… Read more »

APWA Conference – Day 3

General Session Steven Johnson let the general session of the third day of APWA’s conference. His topic was “Creativity and the Brain—Where do good Ideas Come From?” Johnson started by sharing the story about John Snow who worked with maps and government mortality data to help determine the cause of cholera in the 1800s inRead… Read more »

Please Participate in Survey About

Please consider participating in a user survey respecting, the official, free online source for UK statutes. The survey is available on the main site — from the “Survey” tab on right screen — or directly here. The deadline for participating in the survey is 30 September 2011. According to‘s creator, John SheridanRead… Read more »