Yearly Archives: 2011

Senators push to let states opt-out of medicaid expansion

States may be able to opt-out of expanding Medicaid coverage if two Senators have their way. Senators Lindsey Graham and John Barrasso introduced a bill last week designed to provide ‘Medicaid flexibility,’ for states. The Senators argue that Medicaid is a drag on state budgets and plans to expand the program under federal health careRead… Read more »

Interesting elsewhere – 28 September 2011

Things which caught my eye elsewhere on the web Betagov blues.. « Digital by Default Outside of Hercules House ‘digital by default’ seems a long, long way away and requires making compromises in order just to get some momentum. Small wins are achievable (and you can bet we celebrate each one!) but getting anything largerRead… Read more »

EPA’s Greener Products Portal

Just last week, the EPA launched a new way for purchasers to search for, and find, green products for their business needs. The Greener Products portal is designed for consumers, manufacturers and institutional purchasers looking for a single place to find information on green products. They’ve developed a simple three step process to help youRead… Read more »

GovExpert: David M. Nummy, former US Assistant Secretary of the Treasury

GovExpert is a biweekly interview of high-level authorities on government and government practices. This week’s GovExpert is David Nummy, former US Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Finance and Administration. (see full bio below) Questions: On everyone’s mind lately is the current economic crisis, which has created tighter belts across the board for all levelsRead… Read more »

Enterprise Linguistics Revised

Had a quick email discussion thread with peers and friends last night, It brought to mind a presentation I did for the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) in the 80s, “Enterprise Linguistics –A factor in Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)”. It was one of my first official speaking engagements as an IBM Employee. IRead… Read more »

NWA IT Conference: The Future of WIC is Now

Deltek Analyst Kate Tussey reports. Deltek attended the 2011 National Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Association’s (NWA) Technology Conference September 21-23, in Pittsburgh, Pa. For those not familiar with the conference, it’s held every two years and provides an opportunity to network, learn, and share technological directions for WIC’s future with industry leaders. Topics thisRead… Read more »

PATCO tests open payment system

PATCO, which provides rail service between Philadelphia (PA) and South New Jersey, is testing a contactless credit card that customers can use for fare payments and other purchases. To participate in the program, commuters can get a Wave and Pay Anywhere Visa card from PATCO and add value at a designated kiosk. For the firstRead… Read more »