Yearly Archives: 2011

What’s the most important Gov 2.0 or open government story of 2011? Why?

2011 is almost over and, with the promise of new year, it’s time to look back at the year that was. Here on Govloop, the community has already been discussing the issue of the year. So far, the threat of a government shutdown has led the list. A related issue –“austerity” — was the storyRead… Read more »

Government Big Data Solutions Award Nominee: Dr. Ronald Taylor, PNNL

The Government Big Data Solutions Award was established to highlight innovative solutions and facilitate the exchange of best practices, lessons learned and creative ideas for addressing Big Data challenges. The top five nominees and overall winner was announced at Hadoop World in New York City on November 8 2011. The Government Big Data Solutions AwardRead… Read more »

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year: Our Favorite Social Media Moments from 2011

From our USDA Blog – The Most Wonderful Time of the Year: Our Favorite Social Media Moments from 2011. It’s been an exciting year for USDA Web Communications, stepping in to new territory and pushing the bounds of government social networking and outreach. Coming from a traditional press operation in an agency setting, I’m thrilledRead… Read more »

Information Technology: Enabling Management Productivity

Dan Chenok recently posted this article to the Business of Government’s blog. I thought it would be of interest to the GovLoop community! Federal CIO VanRoekel recently spoke about the Administration’s renewed focus on improving productivity within the federal government. One key to success is the strategic use of IT to improve how agencies manageRead… Read more »

Hiring Reform: Do You Want Fast or Competent?

Twenty months after its implementation, Hiring Reform is showing up on “Watchdog Radar” by those looking to applaud its success or to point a finger at its failure. I’m just trying to figure out if Hiring Reform is another political initiative or if it truly will improve the performance of the Feds recruitment and hiringRead… Read more »

Is Twitter Dying?

I’ve noticed a lot of “spam” followers on Twitter for the last few weeks, whereas I’ve never had any before. While I don’t get any direct negative effect from it, it makes me wonder if this is a symptom of Twitter being on the way out as one of the social media platforms to use.

Unlocking Creative Potential – A Neuroscience Approach, Part I

In my last article I talked about performance from the view point of Performance Psychologists. This time we’ll take a look at what neuroscience has to tell us by understanding more about left brain-right brain science. I have asked Sandy Cormack, a personal and organizational consultant to guest blog on the subject. He uses aRead… Read more »

Mobile Web vs. Native Apps [video]

Last week we had two champions debate the pros and cons of mobile websites versus native apps. Neil Bonner, from the Transportation Security Administration, was our proponent of mobile websites. Mike Pulsifer, Department of Labor, was our firm believer in the value of mobile apps. These gladiators were joined by Dalroy Ward from EPA asRead… Read more »

Social Networking in Government Agencies: Pipedream or Imminent Reality?

How your organization can adopt social media tools internally to drive results and become a social business. Wading into Social Media The terms “enterprise social networking” or “social media” often conjure up images of hip, savvy startups. But many of you are on the forefront of using applications like GovLoop to share best practices andRead… Read more »