Yearly Archives: 2011

Changes to Facebook great for government

Tomorrow, Facebook will host their “f8” developer conference. It’s rumored that Facebook will roll out some new features that could be very beneficial for government. If reports are accurate, Facebook will release “read,” “listened,” “watched,” and “want” to supplement their hugely popular “like” button. Obviously, Facebook wants to use this information to provide more opportunitiesRead… Read more »

Social Media in Times of Emergency

In the month of August, the East Coast was hit with two natural disasters, one foreseen, Hurricane Irene, and one without notice, the August 23rd earthquake. Though one primary form of established media failed—phone service during the earthquake was interrupted for many, if not most—both government agencies and individual citizens used social media to learnRead… Read more »

National Dialogue for Improving Federal Websites Topic Specific Dialogue-a-thons Start Today

We’re off to a great start on the National Dialogue on Improving Federal Websites. A many people have submitted, voted, and commented on a broad range of ideas. Please continue to spread the word, participate, and encourage others to chime in, especially in their area of expertise. Dialog-a-thons: We’ve scheduled one-hour “dialog-a-thons” on each ofRead… Read more »

White House releases report on government transparency

The White House released a report today detailing efforts the Obama administration has made to government transparency. Watchdogs largely praised administration efforts but said true change could take more time. According to the 33-page document, “The Obama Administration’s Commitment to Open Government: A Status Report,” officials have increased government openness by, for example, approving moreRead… Read more »

No virtual mayor for Chicago Transit Authority

The City of Chicago (IL) has teamed up with mobile application foursquare, but the Chicago Tribune points out a glaring omission: No Chicago Transit Authority stops are included on the list. Last week, Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced a partnership with the location-based app; residents and visitors can earn an official Windy City badge if theyRead… Read more »

Calgary promises better info on rail delays

After a series of technical failures on its light-rail system, Calgary Transit (AB) promised to keep its riders better informed about delays. Director Fred Wong said the system plans to publish performance standards and the agency’s long-awaited real-time information displays are just weeks away. The city, which faces potential budget cuts, promised little in termsRead… Read more »