Yearly Archives: 2011

Watery Labor Dept. Rule Leaves Question: Why?

The Labor Department likely wasn’t thinking of information technology contractors in issuing its new rule, “Nondisplacement of Qualified Workers Under Service Contracts.” But the IT community will feel its effects. The rule sets into regulation an Obama administration order from 2009 seeking to prevent line workers on a services contract from losing their jobs whenRead… Read more »

Wartime Contracting Can Be Improved With Simple Steps

The big theme emerging from the final report to Congress from the Commission on Wartime Contracting is how to stop the loss of billions and billions of contracting dollars. Are there simple steps to improving wartime contracting? FedInsider examines the report and its recommendations about how the problem can be solved. -> Read More

Spotify vs. Rdio

Two different music subscription services, both compelling in their own ways. Several days ago, Loren Baxter shared something that nudged me about trying Spotify. Despite many other friends signing up through various promotions around their launch, I didn’t. I had used Rdio and have been quite happy with the service. Still, Loren’s tweets compelled meRead… Read more »

30 Second Commercial for “DC Public Safety” Television The Mayor’s Office on Cable Television (MOCT) created a commercial for the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency’s “DC Public Safety” television series in the summer of 2011 (see link above). It was distributed to 60 cable outlets. The DC Mayor’s Office of Cable TV (MOCT) films “DC Public Safety” for the Court ServicesRead… Read more »

News of the Week

Here is a brief list of some of the interesting sustainability news articles from this week: A Moore’s Law for Renewable Energy City Makes Recycling Compulsory for Businesses Rebuilding America: Why We Need a Smart Infrastructure Bank Lessons Learned: Italy’s Solar Rise and the Path Ahead And you’ll find more headlines at! Original post

Information Warfare: A Historical Approach

Information warfare is thought to be a product of what, broadly speaking, is considered the ”information” era. However, if we correctly understand what information war is, we can see that it stretches back to the dawn of organized conflict itself. Dorothy Denning defines information warfare (IW) as “operations that target or exploit information resources.” InformationRead… Read more »

From the Death of the PC to the Death of the Device

Enterprise security was once based entirely around the personal computer. A computer was the primary venue from which employees communicated, produced and exchanged data, and opened the company to risk. Now the widespread use of mobile computing devices for both work and pleasure has created security problems that we have previously explored. Thus, accepting theRead… Read more »