Yearly Archives: 2011

The Federal Coach: Susan Grundmann on Protecting Merit Systems in the Federal Government

Susan Tsui Grundmann is the chairman of the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB), an independent, quasi-judicial agency that protects the federal merit systems and promotes government-wide merit system principles. Grundmann previously served as general counsel to the National Federation of Federal Employees, a union which represents 100,000 federal workers nationwide. How difficult was it toRead… Read more »

The Tale of a City and a City/County

by Dani Fitts, SF2011 It has now been over a month since I completed my year of service to the City and County of San Francisco and it is also the end of the first week at my new job with the City of Seattle. In just a week of employment I have made numerousRead… Read more »

National Health IT Week kicks off

Deltek Analyst Stephen Moss reports. Good Monday morning and welcome to Deltek’s blog series in honor of National Health Information Technology (HIT) Week. In its sixth year, National Health IT Week gives us an opportunity to both reflect on the intense progress we’ve seen in the state and local health IT market over the lastRead… Read more »

The Ratchet Effect

…occurs when two or more competitors are frequently matched against one another. When one develops an advantage, the others develop counter moves. The overall result is that the whole group becomes continuously better. Continue this through several generations of improvement and the whole group has a marked advantage over others who started at the sameRead… Read more »

Government Website Development: Looking Forward and Saving Money

I got to thinking the other day..which is a scary concept at times..when I was informed that the E-Gov initiatives in government cost the great taxpayers of this nation millions of dollars a year. Wait, roll that one back: Yup, I said the words 1.) Millions and 2.) Years in that sentence. So, let meRead… Read more »

Growing pains for Bay Area Clipper card

In its first 15 months, Clipper card usage has grown to 500,000 transactions per weekday, according to the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (CA), but problems with the Bay Area regional farecard persist. Passenger complaints include unyielding turnstiles, overcharging, and out-of-service scanners. Officials from MTC, Bay Area Rapid Transit, San Francisco Muni, and Caltrain downplay the glitches,Read… Read more »

South West Trains issues smart phones to front-line staff

South West Trains (UK) plans to issue BlackBerry devices to more than 850 front-line customer service staff to improve real-time communication with passengers. Train guards, station managers, and platform staff will receive the smart phones. Staff will be able to access service information from the internal Live Departure Board, along with external travel websites. “ThisRead… Read more »

Mobile Technology Challenges within the Federal Government

Federal agencies, like private sector companies, must be responsive to customer needs by offering information via mobile applications to serve the needs of the public. Developing public facing mobile applications are important for the same reasons that it is important for agencies to improve communications and public outreach of all kinds. Most federal agencies areRead… Read more »