Yearly Archives: 2011

Muni directors support all-door boarding

The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (CA) could introduce all-door boarding for its buses as soon as next year. Although they did not vote, Muni’s directors supported the idea as a way to speed up bus operations. To ensure that people pay their fares, Muni will have to add fare inspectors and make it easierRead… Read more »

Cyberattack as Covert Action

Most of what we see in day-to-day cybersecurity is not cyberwar, or the perennial threat of the ‘digital Pearl Harbor.’ Crime, espionage, political vandalism, and military “long-range cyber-reconaissance”–rather than kinetic targeting that kills, damages, or disables–are more mundane, day-to-day concerns. National Defense University’s Samuel Liles does make a persuasive case that much of cyberwar existsRead… Read more »

Aphorism 56

This is the futurist’s dilemma: Any believable prediction will be wrong. Any correct prediction will be unbelievable. Either way, a futurist can’t win. He is either dismissed or wrong. Kevin Kelly Original post

Republicans Want to Steal Your Vote

Lyndon Johnson said voting is: “. . . the basic right without which all others are meaningless.” He signed the Voting Rights Act as president in 1965. Today, the Republican Party and other Koch brothers stooges want to strip you of your right to vote. Read More

TTPs, CRADAs, MRM, and Fixmo

There are several different avenues for private enterprise and government to work together in the technology field these days. This can benefit all parties involved, from the government agencies to the industry, to the consumer. I want to explore a couple of them today and look at what they can mean to you. Technology TransferRead… Read more »

Ten Years After 9/11: Three Eyewitness Perspectives On DHS’s Creation

We were fortunate in getting Tom Ridge, John Gannon, and Roger Cressey to share their eyewitness observations about the founding of DHS, its performance to date, and the evolution of the terrorist threat that ignited the largest U.S. government reorganization in half a century–in a well-produced documentary at AOL Government . Ridge of courseRead… Read more »

The Titanic is for Turning

So. If you know me, you may have noticed some tweets lately about the appalling nature of the NHS. There have been two contributing factors to this, I must confess, the first which resulted in some scan results not being available from a sub-contractor the NHS were paying because the one person who had accessRead… Read more »

What we’re working on

A quick note to mention some of the projects Kind of Digital is working on. CiviCrowd This is the name we have given to our WordPress-powered ideas crowdsourcing platform. South Holland District Council are going to be using the service to encourage people to suggest ideas for projects that will help their communities. This willRead… Read more »