Yearly Archives: 2011

Granola: Disruptive Technology without the Disruption

The message to save energy is everywhere, from the Department of Energy’s push towards a Smart Grid to the Department of Defense’s initiatives for energy security, for reasons ranging from climate change and protecting the environment to saving money and stretching resources. Many green initiatives such as alternative means of generating and distributing energy areRead… Read more »

The first step to thinking outside the box, is stepping outside it

I don’t care how specialized your organization’s mandate is, there will always be more information and knowledge outside your organization than within it. So here’s a question, why are organizations spending money on the dividing line between the two? Why are organizations effectively cutting off employees from the resources they need to accomplish their missionRead… Read more »

Register for 16 Dec webinar on what the CIO needs to know about developing secure code

On Friday, December 16th, 2011, will host a webinar featuring one of the great champions of secure code, Mr. Michael Howard. For more information and to register for this event see: More on the webinar: is pleased to announce a special opportunity to interact with Mr. Michael Howard, author of the SecurityRead… Read more »

Too Small To Win? Civic Hackers Thwarted by Procurement Rules!

Peoples of the Procurement Departments! Hear me now! What in the world have you done? Have you doomed us all!? I present to the people of #OpenGov some of Chicago finest civic coding craftsmanship – Don’t keep reading, click the link first then come back to me. See the awesome disclosure powers of thisRead… Read more »

The Elders of the Internet Have A Message for the U.S. Congress

The EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) was founded in 1990 as a donor funded non-profit with a focus on fighting for internet freedoms. They frequently bring those fights to the courts by bringing lawsuits against large corporations and the government. They also work to provide information to inform legislators and the public at large. The EFFRead… Read more »

Great Gifts for this Holiday season

Sorry Bob, Santa isn’t a miracle worker! Welcome and Happy Holidays! We here at CTOvision wanted to provide some of our favorite gadgets as suggestions for presents. While this is a little late, there’s always Amazon Prime (or Gizmodo’s final ship dates here). We tried to put together the devices that we think are theRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: House Legislation Extends Pay Freeze & Retirement Contributions for Feds

We’re in full throttle mode for the holiday season, and this year the House is playing the role of Grinch for federal employees. The Washington Post reports: Just in time for Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa, the House passed legislation Tuesday that would continue to take thousands out of the pockets of the federal workforce. TheRead… Read more »