Yearly Archives: 2011

Making Mobile Gov Highlights: Mobile Product Accessibility

There are over 350 participants in the Making Mobile Gov Dialogue and this week we wanted to highlight mobile product accessibility issues agencies grapple with like Section 508 compliance. When we searched the MMG Dialogue, here’s what we found: “No one is really talking about accessibility and Section 508 with Apps. PLEASE remember to developRead… Read more »

Zach’s CfA Summer: “Made With [EPA] Data”

When Code for America selected me as a Google Summer of Code Intern for the Government Gems and Eggs project this summer, I knew the next few months were going to be awesome. For the first time ever, I was able to meet and work with people truly committed to making government data more accessible.Read… Read more »

Open311 Dashboard: Visualizing the Power of the Platform

The Open311 platform is one of Civic Commons’ core initiatives; it’s an Application Programming Interface (API) and a growing set of software tools that help cities manage service and information requests from citizens. We see it as a core element of an “open” city IT backbone. Open311 is also a rapidly growing, collaborative, open sourceRead… Read more »

A look at Los Angeles County’s FY 2012 budget

Deltek Analyst Erin Brady reports. Los Angeles County’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) William Fujioka presented his recommended budget in April 2011 and made it clear he wanted to balance the budget and address a $220.9 million shortfall while preserving critical services and avoiding furloughs and layoffs. Fujioka was able to do so by using $185.2Read… Read more »

Open311: A Sneak Peek at the Dashboard

The Open311 platform is one of Civic Commons’ core initiatives; it’s an Application Programming Interface (API) and a growing set of software tools that help cities manage service and information requests from citizens. We see it as a core element of an “open” city IT backbone. Open311 is also a rapidly growing, collaborative, open sourceRead… Read more »

More good news: State social services budget and IT projections

Deltek Sr. Analyst Chris Cotner reports. With shaky financials negatively impacting state coffers, the debate on public social services provision is as hot as ever. One of the main drivers behind the discussion is the massive baby-boomer generation entering retirement. Since the recession, an additional qualifier has been the increased number of unemployment and underemploymentRead… Read more »

Connecting the dots: Open source, government, and economic development

Originally published on In part one of our interview with David Diaz, president and CEO of the Downtown Raleigh Alliance, we explored how open source is applied to economic development, how his organization works with local government, and the programs Downtown Raleigh Alliance has implemented. Now, David tells us how influential open source isRead… Read more »

Why governments need a strategy for enterprise mobility now

Government agencies not only experience the budget squeeze, they feel mobility demands becoming ever more sophisticated increasing pressure from two sides: Their ecosystem increasingly uses mobile devices and demands for respective accommodation by the government, and, mobile devices and the productivity-enhancing apps that run on them become broadly affordable, a development sometimes dubbed as theRead… Read more »

Clouds v cartels

Interesting article by the erstwhile US government CIO Vivek Kundra, in the New York Times: AS the global economy struggles through a slow and painful recovery, governments around the world are wasting billions of dollars on unnecessary information technology. This problem has worsened in recent years because of what I call the “I.T. cartel.” ThisRead… Read more »