Yearly Archives: 2011

New from Robb Shecter: Quisitive App for U.S. Trademark Search

Robb Shecter, J.D., creator of and — and a member of our community — has released Quisitive, a new iPhone/iPad app that enables searches for U.S. trademarks, as well as research into trade names, branding, and U.S. trademark and copyright law. According to the Quisitive press materials, Quisitive searches current “data from theRead… Read more »

It’s Time for a Tech Rebellion in Government

Rebellion abounds today, how can Government’s capture the passion and sustain the movements? I wrote this piece earlier this Summer for the Lower House of Congress in Mexico in anticipation of my publishing deal for my upcoming book, “Rebel Technology”. I wanted to publish it again given the events in Libya and what will potentiallyRead… Read more »

Biggest Online Community Killer

Ever wondered what the biggest online community killer is? I’ve been looking at communities lately of all shapes and sizes. Is it mean bloggers? Spam? Too controversial? Answer: Not Interesting So…how do you keep things interesting? 5 Ways to Make Your Community Interesting 1. Invite people passionate about your subject. I get kicks talking aboutRead… Read more »

Utility Workers to get checked By Joshua Jacobs

It was just last week that I released a news article explaining the dire condition that the United States’ power grid is in, both technologically speaking and in terms of security from a terror attack. Well it’s time to turn that article into some sort of blog or discussion because coincidentally the security issue hasRead… Read more »

by admin The Future of UAVs- By Joshua Jacobs

Advancements in technology used to fight terrorism from Iraq to Afghanistan are not only a booming business, but a testament to how far these military contracted corporations are pushing the envelope. One such tool being implemented on the battlefield are UAVs or unmanned aerial vehicle(s). There are a number of reasons for the bullish effortRead… Read more »

Earthquake shakes mobile service and the increased need for NG911

Deltek Senior Analyst Kyle Ridley reports. As we near the tenth anniversary of 9/11, it seems wireless communication during times of crisis is still an uphill battle. Tuesday’s 5.8-magnitude earthquake centered in Mineral, Va. left many East Coasters hanging on the line, waiting for a dial tone. Now, with Hurricane Irene fast approaching, will mobileRead… Read more »