Yearly Archives: 2011

New app helps rural systems use GTFS format

The National Rural Transit Assistance Program announced a new cloud-based application to help transit agencies convert their route and schedule data into the General Transit Feed Specification. GTFS Builder provides rural transit systems with tools and training videos to help them put bus route and schedule data into the format required by Google Transit andRead… Read more »

Big Blue Bus cams are not working

When someone files a complaint with Santa Monica’s Big Blue Bus (CA), officials review video footage from the on-board surveillance cameras to better assess the situation. But, as part of a routine investigation, officials recently discovered that many of the bus cameras have been erasing information or not recording anything at all. The reasons forRead… Read more »

WayIn Adds Another Dimension to Polling

77% of respondents think my bear can get into law school, but I remain skeptical Like others here at, I’ve also begun playing around with Scott McNealy’s new venture WayIn and already see some interesting potential. WayIn allows users to ask questions about pictures they post to make visual polls for other users. YouRead… Read more »

Take Your Vacation. Obama Does.

Greetings all. Question. How many times have you cancelled, postponed or shorten your vacation for the job? I’ve certainly done it. I would dare to say that any career oriented model such as yourself have done it too. Have you noticed that President Obama takes his vacation no matter what? Hmmm. I think there isRead… Read more »

Cornelius Fichtner PMP Exam Tip: What is the difference between Quality Assurance and Quality Control?

Many people have trouble understanding the difference between Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Control (QC) as they are preparing for their PMP Exam. That is not surprising. The terms are very closely related and if you don’t work in the field, the difference doesn’t seem too obvious. Let’s first look at the PMBOK Guide definitionRead… Read more »

A Day in the Life of an Engineer – Day 18

Day 18 Unfortunately today I don’t have much to post because I took part of the day off to take care of things at home. But this morning, before I left work, I did work again on some permits finalizing the utility permits. Also, because of some new information related to the development for whichRead… Read more »


When I was six years-old, I learned BASIC on my Apple II+ and I learned to program with High-resolution graphics because I wanted to make Yoda and ET move across the screen. When I was 24 years-old, I bought my very first computer on my own: a brand new G3 266MHz minitower and I pickedRead… Read more »

What I’ve been reading

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. openkent :: home – “Open Kent is where public sector bodies in Kent can publish information about the services they provide.” How to do a Crowd | Innovator Inside – For crowds, read communities, groups, whatever. Good stuff. Shabby PR from SOCITM « Simon WakemanRead… Read more »

Diary of a Frustrated Young Professional – Oh Leader Where Art Thou?

Dear all knowing internet, Remember the Where’s Waldo books from your childhood? I remember being entertained for hours trying to find Waldo wondering amass a sea of interesting characters. Well my friends, that’s how I feel about the leaders in government. I sometimes feel like my perception of a leader (forward thinking, loyal, open minded,Read… Read more »

Korea set to help Africa with #gov20 opportunity … #Libya is clear opportunity

African eGovernment including Libya The fine folks at FutureGov (not Dom’s FutureGov) wrote today about Korea’s plans to help out the East African Community (EAC) in their search for better government service through leveraging technology. It is good to see this kind of international cooperation and reuniting of the global eGovernment nation. As an executiveRead… Read more »