Yearly Archives: 2011


President Gage was featured on C-SPAN’s “Washington Journal” on August 16. NP Gage discussed how the debt ceiling deal and the Super Committee could affect the federal workforce. Other topics included job elimination, pay and hiring freezes, and other reductions in benefits. You can click here to view President Gage’s feature. Filed under: Federal Agencies,Read… Read more »

Over 550 Step Up.

All of this only works because people are willing to step up. Because individuals across the country — and in fact across the globe — decide that they want to help their communities, that they have skills they want to contribute, that they want to Code for America. Last year, we were overwhelmed with theRead… Read more »

Unity in Eurozone a Sign of Possible #gov20 Opportunity?

New commitment to European Unity could spell opportunity for #gov20? French President Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel came out in at least a verbal commitment to increased unity in the Eurozone today. While the also downplayed the possibility of a EuroBond they also pointed toward a desired harmonization on taxation (hint, hint to Ireland).Read… Read more »

Can shared services save state and local budgets?

It is hard to find a time in recent history where the budget picture for state and local government looked as bleak as it does now. Faced with a multi-trillion dollar federal budget deficit, credit rating downgrade and shrinking revenues, state and local governments are forced to find ever more creative ways to provide servicesRead… Read more »

A Look at NASA’s Sustainability Base

Here is a quick follow up on last Friday’s post about sustainability at NASA. In the video below, USA Today interviews Steve Zornetzer, Associate Center Director, NASA Ames – and GOVgreen participant – about NASA’s new ultra-efficient building, and takes us on a brief tour of the construction site. Original post

MBTA to install wind turbines

The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority announced plans to install wind turbines at two commuter rail stations. Work on the first turbine, to be located near the Kingston station, begins next month. The turbine is expected to generate enough power to cover 65% of the station’s electricity needs, including lighting the train platforms and parking lot.Read… Read more »

PM Episode Episode 191: PM Leadership Tools: Adaptive Project Leadership (Project Leadership Series)

This week’s episode of The Project Management Podcast: So far in our PM Podcast Project Leadership Series we have first heard Rick Valerga and Thomas Juli who are both authors on project leadership discuss their leadership models on expectation management and leadership principles. Then we spoke with Andy Kaufman and we learned how to developRead… Read more »