Yearly Archives: 2011

A Dozen Golden Nuggets from the Blog Lab Event

The Web Manager’s Roundtable and Dick Davies put on a powerful practical workshop for active organizational bloggers – covering a broad range of attendee inspired topics, such as process – better/easier blogging; managing – avoiding blogger burnout or lighting the flame; volume – achieving greater distribution & getting more readers; comments – being a commentRead… Read more »

Should Government Be Run Like a Business?

I was thinking back on a lecture in grad school this morning and wanted to briefly share part of an article and pose the question, should government be run like a business? The New Public Service: Serving Rather than Steering, is an article by Robert Denhardt and Janet Denhardt that I read during graduate school.Read… Read more »

Counties Lead the IT Way, Part II – The Four IT Priorities for Counties

Last time I relayed some of the discussions and trends from this year’s Center for Digital Government Digital Counties award ceremony. While it may have sounded like county governments don’t have the budget for moving along current IT projects or starting new ones, that wasn’t true at all. In fact, in areas that ran theRead… Read more »

Project of the Week: Cutting Budgets? Cut the Power!

We’re all being asked to cut back on our budgets these days – cuts are taking place in local, state and federal agencies across the country. And while many of the budgetary decisions in the federal government will fall in the hands of the “super congress” this fall, there’s at least one way that eachRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Renewed Vow for Equal Pay Law Enforcement

A joint letter from EEOC Chair, Jacqueline Berrien and OPM Director, John Berry, has been sent to all civilian federal employees asserting that they are vowing “the most rigorous possible enforcement” of equal pay laws for federal employees. “Almost 50 years ago, when President John F. Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act of 1963, womenRead… Read more »

CrowdSourcing Call for Volunteers – Gov’s First Hybrid Event

The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), in partnership with the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO), is spearheading the first federally developed hybrid event initiative, (part in-person and part virtual conference) – the Public Health Informatics 2011 Virtual Conference (PHIVC), (see our featured GovLoop article here). The PHIVC offers aRead… Read more »

Trends on Tuesdays: How Americans Use their Cellphones

The Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project has released another great new report, “Americans and Their Cell Phones.” Comparing data from one year ago, people continue to use their cellphones beyond talking. Source: The Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project, April 26 – May 22, 2011 Spring Tracking Survey. n=2,277 adultRead… Read more »

ACUS Calls for ‘Reliable Comment Analysis Software’

In a recent series of recommendations, the Administrative Conference of the United States (ACUS), announced findings under the auspices of “Legal Considerations in e-Rulemaking,” from the Committee on Rulemaking. Having spent more than decade working on e-Rulemaking, I was curious to see what was at the top of their list. It was a relief toRead… Read more »

Is Your Agency SMART?

We all know that government agencies are constantly under pressure to make their conversations with constituents measurable, and results-based to justify the investment. One stand-out action the city of New York is doing to keep this at the forefront of importance is driving an advisory board of SMART members (the Social Media Advisory and ResearchRead… Read more »