Yearly Archives: 2011

It’s All About the Crew

The second in my series of articles on the Virginia State Parks Youth Conservation Corps – an example of government at its best, preparing youth for the future. Year after year we tell park staff – the Youth Conservation Corps crew will get more done than you expect. Even parks that have had crews yearRead… Read more »

The Quickest Way To Deploy A Well Engineered Apache Hadoop Solution To A Production Environment

As a former enterprise CTO and current technology watcher, I was struck at the incredible brilliance of yesterday’s announcement by Dell and Cloudera. In a move that will help enterprises of all sizes serve a very wide range of missions, those two organizations have announced a new relationship that will enable something that has neverRead… Read more »

I’m at it again. What will I say this time about gov, technology and saving money?

Looks like it’s my turn in the barrel for another webinar about how govs can save money and increase efficiency by using modern technology. I have to admit that I am a bit keyed up about the direction technology is heading and now is the time to take advantage of the opportunities. Too often govsRead… Read more »

Setting Sustainable Water Rates

Raising water or sewer rates is never a popular move, and in this economy many have tried to avoid it as if they are fleeing from a zombie apocalypse. But for many utilities expenditures are exceeding revenues, and there’s sometimes little choice other than a rate increase. You can only cut so much from aRead… Read more »

Free PMP Exam Sample Question

The following PMP® exam sample question is taken from The Free PMP Exam Simulator at – The answer is at the very bottom: —————————— The team members follow what the project manager tells them because they fear that the manager has the authority to provide negative feedback in their appraisal. Which of the followingRead… Read more »

Eight Free PMP Exam Prep Videos

Are you or someone you know planning to prepare for the PMP Exam? Would you like to know everything that I know about the process of studying for and passing the exam? Then all you have to do is watch the following free videos on YouTube: In this 8-part series from The PM PrepCastRead… Read more »

PM Podcast Episode 190: Every Project is a Social Network

This week’s episode of The Project Management Podcast: In last week’s episode we gave you tips, tricks and lessons learned how you can improve your project communications with proper use of modern tools. Call them social media tools, call them enterprise 2.0 tools, call them whatever you want. But at the core of using themRead… Read more »

A Day in the Life of a Civil Engineer – Day 5

Day 5 The main items grabbing my attention today involved the following: Striping Today the stripers were in town placing the thermoplastic paint on a few of our newly paved roads. Normally I don’t get too involved in the operation because we have a project engineer and technician inspecting and managing the project. But today,Read… Read more »