Yearly Archives: 2011

Children are the best teachers…

One of the many joys of having young children is that they can teach you so much – how to enjoy simple moments, how to express yourself through dance and how to skip along to just about anything. One of the most interesting areas my children teach me most in is about how human behaviourRead… Read more »

Petitioning the elephant

A new e-petitions site for government was launched yesterday. It is clean, simple and elegant, with clear government branding consistent with other cross-government sites. So far so good. But managing a cross government service is a tricky business, for reasons I have explored before. Government is a veneer that sits above departments, and like anyRead… Read more »

Social Networking & Information Architecture reading list

Some real useful books on Social Networking, Information Architecture and Marketing I’ve read the past few weeks and recommend: Clout the art and Science of Influential Web Content, Colleen Jones Letting go of the works, Janice Redish Content Strategy for the Web, Kristina Halvorson On my stack to read next week: The Web Content Strategist’sRead… Read more »

The day I went to Google New York

In almost every area they compete Google dominates…mail, maps, search and mobile. With over 500,000 Android devices being activated everyday there is little doubt that Google’s mobile operating system will continue to be a giant contender in the field. So while in New York I popped into their offices to talk with Eric Obenzinger whoRead… Read more »

Social Media and Recruiting 101: Overview and Recommendations

There is a lot of confusion and concern over the growing practice of reviewing job candidates’ social media activity during recruitment and selection. Targeted to social recruiting rookies (both individuals and employers), the latest SMinOrgs blog post provides an overview of how people’s digital activity can and should be considered during the hiring process. QuestionsRead… Read more »

FOSE 2011, plus ECM’s Benefits To Your Agency

Last week as I walked the exhibition hall at FOSE 2011, I was amazed at how much innovation is aimed at making our United States Government (the greatest in the world) even better. I had some great conversations with government employees, consultants, and vendors who are trying hard to make agencies more efficient, more effective-inRead… Read more »

News of the Week

Here is a brief list of some of the interesting sustainability news articles from this week: Carbon Bubble Growing, but Markets Aren’t Listening American Airlines Makes Historic Order for Fuel Efficient Airplanes Walgreens to Install EV Charging Stations at 800 Stores GSA Admin Talks Future Workspace And you’ll find more headlines at! Original post