Yearly Archives: 2011

What is Flickr?

Next up in the series of introductory guides to social technology is this one about Flickr. Embedded below, or as usual, there’s a PDF to download from this page if you need it. What is Flickr? View more documents from Kind of Digital Possibly related posts: What is LinkedIn? What is Twitter? Next live webchatRead… Read more »

A story of war, loss, and why good data has ALWAYS mattered: how a phone book reunited a family

A story of war, loss–and data: Talking to my 90-year-old father-in-law Joseph today, who survived WWII by fleeing the Nazis invading Poland and ended up as a Soviet soldier driving trucks in Siberia, a far cry from his childhood of daily Hebrew school, doting siblings, and three dogs.. After the war, when Joseph returned toRead… Read more »

The Power and Usefulness of the Urban Smart Grid

Urban Smart Grid and Energy Innovation from Penn IUR on Vimeo. Jon Wellinghoff, chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, talks about the Urban Smart Grid. Things really begin at the 8 minute mark, where he begins to describe how your EV can be an asset for the smart grid. Talk about being plugged in.Read… Read more »

FCC proposes new rules for network and handheld providers

Deltek Analyst Kristin Howe reports. On July 12, 2011, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) established new rules to enable public safety answering points (PSAPs) to obtain more accurate information regarding the location of someone who calls an enhanced 911-capable PSAP. The new requirements were established in the FCC’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Third Report andRead… Read more »

A Requiem for a “Last Angry Man”: A Son’s Eulogy

It’s been a battle, discovering whether I was ready to write and share about my dad’s recent death. I guess this posting is the answer. I hope you find some meaning in the heartfelt words and stories. Thanks for reading. Mark ————- My father died on Father’s Day. I’m not sure his timing was meantRead… Read more »

Best Behavior

Jack and I were wasting time talking about how just when you create an overwhelming advantage, the game changes, rendering your advantage obsolete, from dinosaurs to asynchronous warfare. We looked at various leadership behaviors and the philosophies behind them, The Golden Rule, a little Game Theory, even Seth’s Game Theory. Seems like the farther theseRead… Read more »