Yearly Archives: 2011

Every Day Counts – Report from the Midwest Meeting

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to participate in a Peer Exchange workshop on Project Delivery as a representative for APWA. The meeting was one of four regional meetings organized and hosted by AASHTO to facilitate dialogue between federal, state, and local agencies. By encouraging discussion and building partnerships, they are hoping to provide guidance forRead… Read more » Assessment on “Hadoop for Intelligence Analysis”, a subsidiary of the technology research, consulting and services firm Crucial Point LLC and a peer site of, has just published a white paper providing context, tips and strategies around Hadoop titled “Hadoop for Intelligence Analysis.” This paper focuses on use cases selected to be informative to any organization thinking through ways toRead… Read more »

Wednesday’s Coffee Meetup Was a Success. Let’s Do It Again!

Yesterdays’ coffee meetup at Vbar that I announced with little or no warning was a big success. Several people stopped by and had coffee, and we talked about our projects, our startups, the opportunities and challenges we’ve got in front of us right now. People made connections, email addresses were traded. And best of all,Read… Read more »

Update: Enhancing Functionality and Security of your Enterprise with vPro

Editor’s Note: We just updated this post to make better use of Scribd, a great capability for online sharing of documents., a partner site of, has just published a new guide meant to help further the awareness of the many new security features being fielded in today’s computer hardware. This guide, titled “LeveragingRead… Read more »

Phone Tips & Tricks: Slow as Molasses?

The Phone Tips & Tricks series is supported by the Sprint Federal Employee Discount Program. To find awesome discounts visit the Sprint Federal Employee Discount resource center today. I honestly don’t know what I would do without my smartphone. When you think about it, smartphone users basically carry around a miniature computer in their pocket.Read… Read more »

Bullet-Proof Your Defense Industry Resume

Having seen a lot of resumes I’m still surprised by the number of obvious mistakes – lack of spell-checking, all-caps where it shouldn’t be (or should it be anywhere?), incoherent statements. And when it comes to defense industry resumes, far too many people ignore the details and fail to target their resume as they should.Read… Read more »

Is Re-Branding the New Pivot?

I was at an entrepreneurs event last night where three separate people told me they were in the process of rebranding their already-launched startup. One told me that since they’ve started using their new name in conversations, they’ve been making more deals and are getting better reactions from investors. Nobody at the entire event mentionedRead… Read more »

The Government Man – Where You Sit is Where You Stand

The Government Man is back after a brief hiatus. In my book, Confessions of a Government Man, a chapter called “Where You Sit is Where You Stand” was all about the stovepipe mentalities once prevalent in government. Fortunately a lot of this type of thinking is gone but not totally forgotten. The subject matter conjuresRead… Read more »