Yearly Archives: 2011

TTC activates real-time bus info

The Toronto Transit Commission (ON) launched real-time arrival information for its bus system on Monday. Arrival predictions are available for 9,300 TTC stops inside Toronto as well as 800 regional stops served by TTC contracted vehicles. Information is available by text message and online from both TTC and NextBus; signs also display the information atRead… Read more »

MTA issues app challenge

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (NY) is challenging developers to create new software applications that improve the transit experience of its 8.5 million daily riders. A panel of judges will evaluate the apps and select the winners; in addition, a public vote will determine two popular-choice winners. Developers will have access to more than a dozenRead… Read more »

What Can Warren Buffett Teach Us About User Adoption?

This article was originally published on the Tri Tuns Blog. IN THE NEWS In a recent interview on CNBC Warren Buffett said that he could end the federal deficit in five minutes. “I could end the deficit in five minutes. You just pass a law that says that any time there’s a deficit of moreRead… Read more »

What would you ask citizens on transparency?

I just received this press release in my inbox on how the Government is planning to consult citizens on public transparency as part of its Open Public Services White Paper (or #opswp). There are three words that pop out: “public transparency”, “consult” and “citizens”. Let’s break them down… Public Transparency Many people will wonder whatRead… Read more »

PM Podcast Episode 187: Project Management Concepts for Enterprise 2.0

This week’s episode of The Project Management Podcast: Let’s be honest with each other. Last week, when you finished your project status report… how did you distribute it to the intended audience? You sent it via email… right? Well, that is SO internet 1.0. Our interview guest today is Dennis Brooke ( who’s passion itRead… Read more »

Every Day Counts Peer to Peer Networking

Over the summer, FHWA is hosting Peer-to-Peer Exchanges in partnership with AASHTO, NACE, and APWA for the purpose of highlighting and promoting best practices in implementing the Federal-aid program by local governments. I’ll be attending the meeting for the midwest region on July 19th in Cincinnati, Ohio, to participate in discussions with people from allRead… Read more »

Open source, health care, and regulatory compliance

Partly because of their connections to efforts by the Dept. of HHS, Ithought Govloop readers might be interested in three interviews byspeakers in the health care track at O’Reilly’s Open Source convention. Indivo X personal health record: an interview with Daniel Haas ofChildren’s Hospital (this may furnish a format for the exchange ofdata in theRead… Read more »

Making Mobile Gov: Discuss Mobile Technical Expertise

Mobile isn’t just a mini-website. So begins the discussion on a challenge that all agencies have named, finding mobile technical expertise. Mobile devices are small. Their operating systems are new and frequently changing. Federal agencies need to tap pioneering technical experts to create usable and useful mobile solutions for the public. And, we need toRead… Read more »

QR Codes

Aol. gave out T shirts with a one foot QR code (one of those square black and white bar-codes that looks like a maze) on the front. I was wearing mine when Jeremy, a cashier at Trader Joe’s, snapped a picture with his phone and showed me the website that came up, while he wasRead… Read more »

Leading or Expecting?

Something to think about. It’s been easy for us to continue to blame the economy for stalling business decisions or putting our personal lives ahead of the business at large. When these behaviors manifest themselves, we have one place to look to solve the issues. Internally. Often companies are making decisions based on the WIIFMRead… Read more »