Yearly Archives: 2011

Krontiris on Mobile Justice

Kate Krontiris of Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government and the MIT Sloan School of Management — and a member of our community — has released two new posts on the topic of “mobile justice”: Mobile Justice in 500 Words, and On the Many Manifestations of “Mobile Justice,” on her tumblr. In the first post, Ms.Read… Read more »

Stowaway: Drawing a line in the sand for Government agencies responsible for transportation security-

By Josh Jacobs Details continue to emerge from a story that broke at the end of June concerning a Nigerian American who bypassed three separate layers of airport security in New York and successfully flew to Los Angeles. It wasn’t until mid-flight that the suspect was asked to present his boarding pass and ID. AfterRead… Read more »

Afraid to Adapt?

Creative Commons via Flickr Sammy0716 In the world of social media, I have become pretty comfortable. I currently use Facebook personally and professionally via multiple fan pages, Twitter in 5 different ways, WordPress for 3 blogs, Blogger for 2 blogs, Foursquare for fun and begrudgingly, LinkedIn as my electronic business card. Oh yeah, and thenRead… Read more »

Reporting Live From pariSoma in SF

I’m here in the middle of my second day working from pariSoma, the “innovation loft” in San Francisco (and headquarters for the San Francisco arm of faberNovel) and thought I’d take a minute to check in on the blog. pariSoma is a very cool space. A huge, split-level building with plants and what looks likeRead… Read more »

Minnesota shutdown goes into day 8 with no deal

Tweet Print PDF As Minnesota wraps up the seventh day of being without a functioning state government, reports are emerging that despite all the talk about fiscal responsibility the shutdown will end up costing the state and local businesses millions. The Minnesota state government has been shutdown since Friday due to a budget fight betweenRead… Read more »

Making Mobile Gov: Discuss Mobile Market

If an app is launched in an app store and nobody knows, does it make a sound? That’s one of the questions up for today’s discussion of the mobile market. While some question whether government should be building apps at all–that this is a function of the private sector–others are wondering where the government appsRead… Read more »

Social media governance resources

I have just posted a new blog post on social media governance resources on the AIIM Communities blog: It features a number of resources specific to government as well as links to policy and governance databases including the Web 2 0 Governance Policies and Best Practices wiki list maintained by the Social Media SubcouncilRead… Read more »

Thinking Mobile

I’ve been thinking about how citizens might use mobile devices to get government services for…well…years. Sam Gallagher and I started talking about making web content usable on mobile devices way back in 2000, when we were teaching HUD’s partners how to create customer-friendly websites. Mobile apps are here to stay, and it’s a great timeRead… Read more »

U.S. Government Agencies and Programs on Tumblr

Earlier this year, We helped launch the new Blog on Tumblr. Part of the work required to launch the Blog on Tumblr was to develop government-friendly terms of service for Tumblr. Now that government agencies can sign up with Tumblr on, we’ve started keeping track of which agencies use the service. It’sRead… Read more »

Week (and a half) in review 7/6/2011

Lots of social media news the past week, from Google + launching to the Obama Twitter town hall. Sorry for the late post, makes for a longer list. Here’s the recap: My talk with Tim Farley on Sirius/XM radio. #AskObama: How’d That Go? [UPDATED] | techPresident via @nclarkjudd RT @aneeshchopra: First official tweet –Read… Read more »