Yearly Archives: 2011

GEICO Brings us to the HomeFront

GEICO is a proud partner of GovLoop. ————————————— The GEICO blogosphere has expanded! GEICO’s love and respect for military personnel runs deep. Launched on the Fourth of July, GEICO has created a brand new blog, HomeFront by GEICO. HomeFront creates a channel for members of the military and their families to share stories, pictures, videos,Read… Read more »

Creating the Change Management Communications Plan

It has been a while since my last blog. A combination of heavy travel and recovering from surgery on a torn Achilles tendon has caused me to re-adjust my schedule. It’s good to be back. In this week’s entry we will discuss developing the change management (CM) communications plan. As discussed in previous blogs, communicationRead… Read more »

Tackling Big Data on Police Use of Force

According to a review recently put out by the the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF), the Albuquerque Police Department (APD) was faced with a riddle. In recent years, violent crime and assaults on officers have been declining, training has been adapted to focus more on deescalating conflicts and avoiding physical confrontations, the department procured andRead… Read more »

Turning GovLoop up to 11

Yesterday, Steve Ressler and Andrew Krzmarzick invited me and fellow GovLooper Joshua Joseph in the GL HQ on 15th. We ate baguette, drank coffee, and talked about why people (like you!) should spend your time and energy here. It was a good conversation that ended up focusing on these questions: How is GovLoop different thanRead… Read more »

Recruitment 411: Through the eyes and heart of a soldier’s mom – Part 2

This is part two in our blog series with veteran recruiter and military mom, Linda Ortiz our colleague from the IRS Recruitment Office and today’s guest blogger. I provided training and oversight for the warrior interns and their managers. Slowly, some of them separated from their military service, some returned to active duty and someRead… Read more »

MBTA considers location-based ads on buses

The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority is considering a proposal for location-based audio advertising on its buses. As buses drive by a particular business, the vehicle’s GPS system would trigger a brief advertisement that would play over the loudspeaker. The proposal comes from Commuter Advertising, which has introduced similar systems in Ohio and Illinois. To minimizeRead… Read more »

Could Cincinnati adopt battery-powered streetcars?

Cincinnati (OH) officials are considering a battery-powered system for the city’s planned streetcar line. A wireless system would be cheaper to build and operate than a conventional streetcar system, and eliminating overhead wires has significant aesthetic advantages. But the battery-powered vehicles need a charge every five miles and they face a challenge on hills. “IRead… Read more »