Yearly Archives: 2011

Ben the Badger

The back story: In February, CfA Fellows gathered to discuss the branding of the organization, mostly just to orient ourselves to it. One of the ways I like to do this with any brand is to do a word association exercise. I like to start by writing down obvious words (government, technology, etc.) then moveRead… Read more »

A bit of structure for your unconference

Briggsy and I have been chatting to some good folk across the pond recently about running a Govcamp-style event, and how unconferences work. Some of their senior folk are nervous, understandably, about trying what seems like quite a radical approach. What if the conversation veers off course? What if the sessions go round in circles?Read… Read more »

Sanity check

So. Twitter. I posted a bit ago about how Tweetdeck had folded into a pile of uselessness. Well, now I’m discovering the irritation of outbound tweets disappearing. I tweeted a physio about getting some treatment for my back and ankles. Both are down to my being overweight and trying to do something about it (don’tRead… Read more »

Finger Pointers Need to Look in the Mirror

How many times have we been in situations where we think, “if this person would just . . .” It doesn’t matter if it is a coworker or a spouse we know the issue at hand could be easily addressed if the other party would just do something different. Our frustration rises as we lookRead… Read more »

Help a Wounded Warrior With His Bike Ride Fundraising

As the Undefeated 2-Day Ride has grown over the last three years many inspiring stories have emerged. This year a young man came to the Canari Cycling Club – the lead organization in creating the Undefeated 2-Day Ride – asking for support. One year after he lost both legs to an IED. Kevin Childre, CanariRead… Read more »

Fellow Spotlight Video: Mjumbe Poe

A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to sit down with one of our 2011 Fellows, Mjumbe Poe and talk about life, technology and Code for America. I did a video about Karla Macedo, another fellow, a few months ago, and getting to know each of these fellows better better, and share their perspectiveRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Is the U.S. Senate Passing the Buck?

These days, it’s pretty common to hear that we’ve lost sight of what the Founding Fathers intended. A frequent criticism is that Congress is guilty of “overreaching” into areas more legitimately the province of states and localities or the federal executive branch. So it’s interesting that some lawmakers are willingly relinquishing one of the powersRead… Read more »

Protecting Your Cell Phone

The Phone Tips & Tricks series is supported by the Sprint Federal Employee Discount Program. To find awesome discounts visit the Sprint Federal Employee Discount resource center today. It’s a great feeling to get a new phone. It’s like a fresh start. It’s like a new relationship. It takes getting used to, but it’s exciting.Read… Read more »

Two can start a community

John Mertens and I wound up on a collision course in San Francisco’s Chinatown last Saturday. Without knowing it, both of us were headed to the neighborhood to take a photo of the Banksy near Columbus and Broadway for our project, — our pilot test to build a mobile community of curators for aRead… Read more »