Yearly Archives: 2011

GovLoop Training: How GIS Can Improve Citizen Engagement

On Tuesday, (12/6), GovLoop and Esri hosted a training webinar on “How GIS Can Improve Citizen Engagement.” During the training we discussed how geographic information systems (GIS) can be used as platforms for Government 2.0. Throughout the training we explored specific examples of how this technology can increase citizen engagement. Below please find key resourcesRead… Read more »

Is a Search Firm Right for Your Job Search

A post by Patra Frame, ClearedJobs.Net’s HR Specialist. First, understand a search firm’s role is to satisfy the employer who pays them by finding a hire who meets the employer’s specs. Their role is NOT to get YOU a job. There are two main types of search firms (aka “headhunters”) you could work with: contingencyRead… Read more »

GBE101: Grant (Sponsored Project) Funding, part 1 of 14

Welcome to this ongoing series on grants and/or sponsored funding. This series is designed for businesses with a highlighted Metro DCite focus from the Government Business Examiner for Washington DC. An additional series is being shared on the National Writing Examiner, with a suite of sister data relative to authors, educators, writer community organizations, andRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Commuter Benefits At Risks

The Washington Post reports that commuter benefits for federal workers may drop from $230 to $125. The tax breaks are set to expire and union reps argue that by extending the tax credits, more workers would be encouraged to use public transportation. The Post states: “The mass transit commuter benefit provides much needed relief inRead… Read more »

GovLoop Scavenger Hunt: Browse. Discover Icons. Win!

Ready to celebrate? Thanks to you, there are 50,000 members on GovLoop with whom we can collaborate with and solve government problems together. And if that isn’t reason to celebrate, I don’t know what is! Next Thursday (12/8) we are hosting a 50K Member Extravaganza! We’ll be feeding govies in DC, putting on our dancingRead… Read more »

Disruptive Technology

Technology is the way we do things. Disruptive means we have changed. Here is a disruptive technology story, from planning for the new year. As a sales executive, I travel to client sites. For the Washington market, Alexandria Drafting Company (who Jack only knows as “ADC” from when he was piloting cement trucks) had aRead… Read more »