Yearly Archives: 2011

Should Contract Savings Go to Gov Employees?

What I’m positing will be controversial to many. If a government employee is clearly and directly responsible for realized savings on a contract, should 1% of contract savings, capped at $10,000 per year across all contracts, go to the employee as an award for good work? I know that the federal government will give whistleblowersRead… Read more »


Robert Behn, a lecturer at Harvard University’s John F. Kenndey School of Government writes an interesting Performance Leadership Report on a monthly basis. In his most recent report Behn offers advice from Tony Williams who served as Mayor of Washington , D.C. for two terms and prior to that as the District’s Chief Financial OfficerRead… Read more »

Elected Officials Should Avoid The Reorganization Trap

Robert Behn, a lecturer at Harvard University’s John F. Kenndey School of Government writes an interesting Performance Leadership Report on a monthly basis. In his most recent report Behn offers advice from Tony Williams who served as Mayor of Washington , D.C. for two terms and prior to that as the District’s Chief Financial OfficerRead… Read more »

How You Recruit and Select New Employees Is Critical To Your Success. A Checklist You Can Use. (

Employees are the largest single cost and resource in most organizations; and also where most of its risks lie, directly or indirectly. How you recruit, interview and select this critical resource will substantially contribute to your organization’s viability, productivity and success. Mistakes made here can have repercussions affecting your performance, revenues and costs. The followingRead… Read more »

More Than Words: How to Really Redefine the Term “Public Relations”

There’s big news in the PR industry as the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) recently announced that they are embarking on an international effort to modernize the definition of public relations. Chartered in 1947, PRSA is the world’s largest and foremost organization of public relations professionals and boasts a community of more than 21,000Read… Read more »

About Nelson Santiago

I’m in the US Navy and have served proudly for 28 years.. My planned retirement date is July, 2014.. I look forward to transitioning into the civilian world and would like to continue working in the Human Resources Management and Marketing field.. I am currently the Chief Recruiter for the largest Recruiting District in theRead… Read more »

The Kindle Fire is Already making BIG Ripples

The Kindle Fire outsold all expectations Yesterday, I read a great article over at GigaOM about how the Kindle Fire has become “The Next Big Haven for Developers.” (Check it out here). Apparently, Amazon’s Appstore (with 1-click purchasing) as well as the number of Kindle Fire devices sold (said to be over 5M), have madeRead… Read more »

Hacking for Life

When you need an automated external defibrillator (AED) you don’t have time to search around or wait for one. It’s a matter of life or death and each second counts. Whereas in the past, you’d have to wait for first responders with knowledge of the nearest AED to come for help, new technology — likeRead… Read more »