Yearly Archives: 2011

Blog Recap: Yesterday’s Hearing On Inspiring Students To Federal Service

Yesterday I had the chance to sit in on a hearing by the Senate Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, the Federal Workforce, and the District of Columbia. It was titled “Inspiring Students to Federal Service.” I took some notes and thought I’d share them in the form of brief summaries of each of theRead… Read more »

A few news stories worth noting

So, I feel like during the past few days there have been quite a few interesting news stories (related to social media) worth sharing. I’d love to hear your thoughts on them! Social Authority Scores for Job Seekers — Hmm…interesting way to establish professional credibility in online, social space. Roger Ebert’s Tweet: Bad Tweet, orRead… Read more »

Shared learning

Quick background: @sturgey is our Deputy Head of Comms (but with lots of corporate/internal comms added in there too) – she’s admittedly old school but very enthusiastic about new school comms and a really big support in our push in that direction. So I sat down with Andrea about something else entirely but we gotRead… Read more »

Myki ticketing will stay

After a government review, the Australian state of Victoria has decided to keep the troubled myki smart card system. The state has reached a deal with NTT Data, the parent company of the myki contractor Kamco, to move forward. “The revised contract will deliver a reliable ticketing system with strengthened project management and governance arrangementsRead… Read more »

Illinois, New York City move forward on open data, apps

Tweet Illinois is joining a growing group of states that hope to utilize civic hacking and provide more transparency with a new website launched yesterday. Data.Illinois.Gov, is a searchable clearinghouse of information from state agencies that will help inform residents about the operation of state government and encourage the use of state information, including theRead… Read more »

House ethics issues, lobbying guidance and debt, microdonors, and more political law links here

WILL THERE BE ANY REVISED LDA GUIDANCE THIS JUNE? Check here if you’re anxiously awaiting the potential release of new LDA guidance. LOBBYING AND THE DEBT LIMIT. Roll Call. “K Street lobbyists are scrambling to defend industry tax breaks and spending programs from ending up as fodder to reduce the deficit in the debt limitRead… Read more »

CTA to add cameras and increase policing at stations

The Chicago Transit Authority (IL) announced plans to double the number of security cameras throughout its rail system, while also working with the Chicago Police Department to enhance passenger safety. CTA president Forrest Claypool said that the agency is using an accelerated bidding process to get 1,500 new cameras in place within six months. “We’reRead… Read more »

Quiet cars, anyone?

New York City subway riders are experiencing a resurgence of a 1980s phenomenon, and not all of them are happy about it. Digital technology has transformed the iconic boombox, and now commuters are assaulted by what AM New York calls “lightweight, but powerfully speakered iPods, iPhones, BlackBerries and Droids.” “In the last five years, it’sRead… Read more »

Why management wont come? #localgovcamp

I didn’t attend the ‘why management wont come to camp’ session at the weekend because my own failed efforts to bring anyone else from my organisation felt like education enough. People wont give up their Saturdays. Some wont because they go home at 5 o clock and that’s it, because they feel they don’t getRead… Read more »