Yearly Archives: 2011

Promote me to my purpose and NOT a GS grade

While working in the federal government, I have witnessed many people accepting positions for money and not because they will acutally like the new job. I have insisted on only applying to government jobs that will allow me to pursue my passion or help me with my overall purpose in life. I understand that manyRead… Read more »

Big Data is All the Rage. Why?

On Monday, December 5, Bob Gourley went on the Enterprise CIO Forum to explain Big Data and why it matters. First, he defined Big Data simply as the data your organization cannot currently analyze. Though some technologists give more precise definitions, this sums up the challenge enterprises now face. If you can deal with allRead… Read more »

StatsCan’s free data costs $2M – a rant

So the other day a reader sent me an email pointing me to a story in iPolitics titled “StatsCan anticipates $2M loss from move to open data” and asked me what I thought. Frustrated, was my response. $2M is not a lot of money. Not in a federal budget of almost $200B. And, the numberRead… Read more »

My New New Thing

With the new year rapidly approaching, it’s probably about time I wrote this down. As of January 2012, acidlabs will change its shape considerably. More than anything, this site will go back to being my personal site — a place where I write down my thoughts and musings on any number of things from politicsRead… Read more »

MLW 2011: Veterans History Project, Value, and Connectivity

Tuesday at the 2011 Military Libraries Workshop included many informative sessions. Here are a few things that stood out from the programs today: You need evidence of the library’s value. Don’t use the wrong kind of proof of value such as: Inputs (resource counts) outputs (user counts) satisfaction service quality librarian time and effort NoneRead… Read more »

MLW 2011: In the Exhibit Hall

Stepping inside the MLW Exhibit Hall: At the Opening Reception: Wendy Hill staffs the DTIC table at the MLW Exhibits: Kara Owens, LexisNexis DoD and IC Account Manager, and Adam Dietz, Senior Govermment Consultant, staff the LexisNexis table: Original post