Yearly Archives: 2011

November health care and social services recap

Deltek Analyst Aila Altman reports. November proved to be a busy month for statewide Medicaid management information systems (MMIS) and other Medicaid-related IT system components, as well as federal guidelines. After multiple requests for proposals (RFP) releases, rereleases, and postponements, the state of Arkansas ultimately canceled all of its current MMIS procurements and is stillRead… Read more »

Recruitment 411: Minding Your Social Media Ps & Qs

There are rules of etiquette for every social situation, from dining to business meetings – and even dining during business meetings. Most of these rules have been around for a while and they are just an accepted part of social interaction. There is a whole other set of rules and guidelines that falls under theRead… Read more »

Federal Coach: Using Data to Make Better Decisions in Your Agency

“Moneyball” is a highly entertaining movie that showed how Oakland Athletics General Manager Billy Beane used data to improve his baseball team’s performance. It turned out, for example, that on-base percentages were more important than batting averages as an indicator of a hitter’s effectiveness because a walk can also get a player on base. GovernmentRead… Read more »

An extension for narrowbanding?

Deltek Analyst Kristin Howe reports. On November 15, Representative Steve Rothman (D–NJ–9) introduced House Resolution 3430 “to direct the Federal Communications Commission [FCC] to extend the final deadline for private land mobile radio licensees to migrate to narrowband technology by two years.” This would push the deadline from January 1, 2013, to January 1, 2015.Read… Read more »

Virginia stalls health insurance exchange

Virginia is stalling out on its health insurance exchange plans. Governor Bob McDonnell’s administration has indicated that it will not push lawmakers to create a state-run health insurance exchange during the 2012 session. Despite that, some legislators are working on a placeholder measure that would ensure that the state maintains control of its exchange. AccordingRead… Read more »

Can We Have a Results-Only Workforce in Government?

Yesterday I had an awesome coffee with Stacey Swanson from ROWE where we talked about the future of work in government. For those that don’t know, ROWE is a human resource management strategy wherein employees are paid for results (output) rather than the number of hours worked – it’s been already piloted at agencies likeRead… Read more »

Reflections: Online Information Conference 2011

Pretty exhausting, incredibly insightful and hugely enjoyable: that would sum up my three days as Chairman of this year’s Online Information Conference 2011, held at the Olympia Conference Centre between 29th November and 1st December. The last time the event will be run at this venue, but more about that later. It was impossible toRead… Read more »

On Evaluating Standardized Tests

I just read an article from the Washington Post that disturbed me: When An Adult Took A Standardized Test Forced on Kids. It was written by Marion Brady and she talks about an educated adult friend of hers who took the 10th grade standardized tests. I wouldn’t be writing this post if her friend validatedRead… Read more »

What Killed Management Consulting?

Once upon a time, there was an industry called management consulting…and it wasn’t about computers. There wasn’t an internet, so as a consultant, I was passed around a CEO grapevine. The users paid more attention to their grapevine, since it was their best source of necessary information. Major consulting firms came to a point whereRead… Read more »