Yearly Archives: 2011

GSA, Metro to Coordinate on Locations

With all of the excitement of GOVgreen last week, we didn’t get to share a very interesting article from The Washington Post with you. As reported by the Post, the GSA and Metro are planning to coordinate Metro service and future federal facilities locations to provide federal employees with public transit options at the newRead… Read more »

MLW 2011: In Norfolk, Virginia

I’m here in Norfolk, Virginia for the 2011 Military Libraries Workshop. This is the 55th Military Libraries Workshop and the theme is “Riding the Information Wave”. This year’s events include a DTIC boot camp; Veterans History Project workshop and presentation, offsite at the MacArthur Museum and Archives; and presentations on information overload, managing your library’sRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Why Was Body Image Discussed at Monday’s Top American Leaders Forum?

The Washington Post featured an interview with Sheila Bair, former FDIC chairwoman, who was honored yesterday at the Top American Leaders forum. Amongst other topics, Bair was asked to comment how women in high political positions cope with comments regarding their physical appearance. “I’ve seen kind and not-so-kind comments about my physical appearance and commentaryRead… Read more »

Do We Have To Provide Public Information?

When Lackawanna, New York resident Faith Gordon requested that the Lackawanna City Council post full agendas of Council meetings on-line the response she received from Councilman Francis J. Kulczyk, as reported in the Buffalo News was: “Why do we have to put it on the website? I don’t understand,” said 3rd Ward Councilman Francis J.Read… Read more »

Private sector versus public sector

Tim Harford had a great column in the Financial Times this past weekend on the public sector and private sector. Great food for thought: Tim Harford: You’re wrong, we are all wealth creators!

Obliquity and Luck

I have a slight confession for some of you: I’m an occasional smoker; perhaps more than occasional. Last night I finished my last cigarette and took a cab home from the co-working space I’m renting to help me stay on top of things. It was late, I had just spent several hours in a rowRead… Read more »

New app invites beta testers

Transit Near Me, a web app to help people in the Washington (DC) area locate near-by transit services, is looking for people to test its beta release. Original post

Before a review, a preview

Someone on the #pr tag asked last night what our predictions were for the future. I said that PR would be going into a tailspin as it realised everyone’s attention span was so reduced that they needed to do something really special to stand out. I suddenly realised – more and more people are becomingRead… Read more »