Yearly Archives: 2011

Power lines

The RSA have just published a rather interesting paper that is well worth a flick through. The paper argues that the government’s efforts to build the Big Society are too focused on citizen-led service delivery. An approach based on utilising and building people’s social networks, which largely determine our ability to create change and influenceRead… Read more »

Engage people on their terms, not yours

I’m always going on about how, if you want people to give up their time to help you out, then you need to make it easy for them to do so, else they won’t bother. Stefan has a lovely example, which he documents at admirable length on his blog. I have laboured all of thisRead… Read more »

The Project Management Professional (PMP) exam and Military Basic Rifle Marksmanship!

At first read, the title of this blog probably looks like a mistake, as two totally unrelated subjects appear to be illogically associated together! But bear with me, hopefully I can sell you on their similarities, at least as far as the PMP exam and project management experience go. I passed the PMP certification examRead… Read more »

Election tales

via As part of a community reporters project, local people used a variety of social media to cover the local elections in Kirklees. Some really interesting coverage of election night, candidacy and the roles of the people who make elections run smoothly. See it all at Election Tales Share/Bookmark Original post

SES job vacancy notice at the CDC!

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is seeking exceptional candidates for the position of Chief Operating Officer (COO). This position is located in the Office of the Director in Atlanta, Georgia. The selectee will report directly to the CDC Director, serving as a key management official responsible for the development of program systemsRead… Read more »

On track to nowhere

There has been a lot of work in recent years on ways of improving the process of public consultation. It’s not something about which I have any great expertise or direct involvement, but I am conscious of great efforts to produce consultation material in forms which are not just useful and accessible themselves, but whichRead… Read more »

HR=Humans Represent: Snag a Summer Job

If you are a student, or know of one who is looking for a summer job, why not consider federal government work? Federal agencies have summer job openings for students and recent college graduates – and not all of the openings are in our nation’s capital! Did you know that each year federal agencies lookRead… Read more »