Yearly Archives: 2011

New dashboard measures federal use of Twitter

A new dashboard ranks more than 100 federal agencies based on their use of Twitter. The Federal Social Media Index, created by nonprofit ExpertLabs, tracks how agencies are engaging their public based on several measures. For the week ending December 4, NASA came out on top, with 360 replies from 1,643,429 followers. (Most answered question:Read… Read more »

Daily Dose: USPS set to announce closures today

Today is the day the USPS is expected to announce cuts across its entire scope of operations, according to a story over at the Washington Post. Postal officials are slated to introduce formal plans that would shut down 250 of the Postal Service’s 460 mail processing facilities. In addition to closing the processing facilities, USPSRead… Read more »

Government Proposals- 5 Tips That Can Assist You With Your Writing Skills

A government proposal is a short story about you and your company. You would think writing a story about yourself is a piece of cake, but if you want to be presented in an affirmative manner writing that short story can take time and alot of thought. Before you begin writing a proposal you shouldRead… Read more »

Weekend Wondering – A Leading Holiday Season

The holidays often bring up the difficult juxtaposition of fantasy meeting reality. From childhood, we dreamed of special days filled with good food, fun times, and wonderful gifts. Often the reality of stressed out adults, parading by relatives rarely seen and toys not quite what we imagined pierced our visions and sent us spiraling intoRead… Read more »

Joining the #hchlitss Twitter Chat

Last Thursday evening I was honored to be a guest participant of the #hchlitss Twitter chat. The hashtag stands for Health Communications, Health Literacy and Social Sciences and was created by Kathleen Hoffman and RV Rikard (who both live here in North Carolina!). In being invited to the event, I thought about some relevant topicsRead… Read more »

Laffing Our Tax Off

Would you like to solve the current economic crisis? Cut taxes. Cure cancer? Cut taxes. Create an effective formula for cold fusion? Cut taxes. Eat cheeseburgers and lose weight simultaneously? Cut taxes. It seems that cutting taxes is the cure-all that humanity has been waiting for but obtusely overlooking for some time now; and itRead… Read more »

How Big is Your Net? Capturing the documents to transition to electronic records, how?

After last week’s Presidential Memorandum on records management, many agencies are completing plans to be better stewards of government records. You need to start with how to get those records into a system for document management, called enterprise content management or ECM. Sometimes when we talk about the value of having electronic versus paper informationRead… Read more » asks, “Have you made the connection?” asks, “Have you made the connection?” The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs catches a lot of flack in the media most of the time and while they have had some bumps in the road – there are VA programs worthy of recognition. One such program is “Many of our Nation’s Veterans—from those whoRead… Read more »