Yearly Archives: 2011

Facebook or Twitter for the enterprise?

Social media is changing enterprise IT, and AIIM research shows that 47% of employees 18-30 years old now expect to use the same type of networking tools with their business colleagues as they do with their friends and family. The number changes to 37% for employees 31-45 years old, but many business and IT executivesRead… Read more »

Vermont approves single payer health care

The Vermont legislature has passed a bill that will move the state to a universal, publicly funded health care system. The measure is strongly supported by the Governor and he is expected to sign it. Last week the House approved the bill 94-49. Under the terms of the bill, every resident will be covered underRead… Read more »

All Australian Parliamentary Speeches Online

All 110 years of transcripts of parliamentary proceedings are now available for the Australian Parliament. The Parliamentary Library claims that Hansard for the Senate and House of Representatives has been converted to XML for easy online access under a Creative Commons licence.While it is good that Hansard is available online, the interface could be improved.Read… Read more »

Assessment beyond the degree factory

Greetings from day two of the Faculty Board Meeting of ACS Education, the part of the Australian Computer Society which provides education to computer professionals. There are about 30 people around a table in the ACS South Australia Branch office.AssessmentWe started with a presentation on the role of assessment in academic integrity. What I foundRead… Read more »

Converting the Dissenter; Part Three

As a follow-up to last week’s blog, this week’s entry concludes our discussion of the tactics that the Change Management Champion (CMC) can utilize to mitigate change resistors, also known as dissenters. As mentioned in my previous two blogs on this topic, frequently a combination of mitigation approaches may need to be utilized togetherRead… Read more »

What Is Civic Engagement?

My previous post on micro-participation included a definition of civic engagement that I hadn’t referenced before. According to Michael X. Delli Carpini, Dean of the Annenberg School of Communication at the University of Pennsylvania, civic engagement can be defined as: Individual and collective actions designed to identify and address issues of public concern. I haveRead… Read more »