Yearly Archives: 2011

This blog is not yet lost

This blog has not had a substantive post for quite a while. There’s no particular reason for that, other than that I find that the longer I haven’t written something here, the harder it feels to write anything, so the longer the gap keeps growing. So this is to break the cycle and blow theRead… Read more »

Unexpected Value

I chair and attend a lot of meetings. I attend a monthly meeting which is a huge frustration. We have an agenda, which I would rate at 25 minutes, which month after month takes over two hours. The new leader, at his first meeting said, “I’ve never seen anything like this!” After a few monthsRead… Read more »

White House announcement provides renewed interest in Electronic Records

With the White House announcing this week the revitalized push for better electronic records and content management within government, I suggest you check out my events page on GovLoop for an upcoming December 15 meeting with one of the foremost experts in the field (and a truly knowledgable and exciting speaker). You can also findRead… Read more »

The Deltek Straight Dope on the State Budgets: Untangling Business Fact from Media Sensationalism

Deltek Sr. Analyst Chris Cotner reports. The National Association of State Budget Officers (NASBO) and the National Governor’s Association (NGA) released a report this week outlining the fiscal condition of the states. Some media coverage has sensationalized the report and the states’ fiscal conditions. This analysis examines NASBO numbers and related business implications, in blackRead… Read more »

Blue Alert program gaining momentum

Deltek Analyst Joanna Salini reports. Ohio may be the next state to employ a Blue Alert warning system. The state recently issued legislation SB258 to create a Blue Alert program and is awaiting passage by the Senate. The bill has already received support from Ohio’s Attorney General Mike DeWine. Blue Alerts function similar to AmberRead… Read more »

AFGE Member Publishes Guide for Veterans Seeking Federal Employment

AFGE Local 3258 member and US Navy Veteran, Mark Butler, returned home from active duty in January 2008 in the midst of the recession. Despite having numerous qualifications, Butler was heavily affected by the economy and subsequent job freeze. While he was not immediately successful on the job front, Butler’s experiences applying for jobs inspiredRead… Read more »

Social Security Administration Takes First Step in Rescinding Questionable Retirement Review

Rescission order creates gaping loophole for Social Security fraud, says union. The American Federation of Government Employees cried foul today on the Social Security Administration’s plans to rescind Social Security Rulings 66-1c and 91-1c, which allow the agency to question retirement allegations made by corporate officers and the self-employed. “Development of questionable retirement allegations haveRead… Read more »