Yearly Archives: 2011

Lunch at former flying boat base in Perth

Lunching at the “Matilda Bay Restaurant ” in Perth, I noticed there was a “Catalina” function room. A sign on the wall indicated this was a former US Navy flying boat base in World War 2. The restaurant is on the banks of the Swan River, across the road from the Nedlands campus of theRead… Read more »

Goodbye Delicious, hello Pinboard

So following the news that Delicious has been bought from Yahoo!, by the guys who did YouTube, I decided it was time to set myself up somewhere else. It might be that Delicious thrives under its new owners – in which case fine, I can always switch back. But I didn’t want to leave myselfRead… Read more »

Can Your Credit Score Hurt Your Job Search?

Will prospective employers look at credit scores and/or other financial information and if so, how much weight will they give it (especially in this economy)? I know this comes up for certain types of employers (financial services firms, accounting firms, banks, and often the federal government) of for certain types of jobs (especially ones inRead… Read more »

Cloud Computing For Law Enforcement

A few years ago, Washington D.C.’s Metropolitan Police Department revolutionized its patrols, the backbone of law enforcement, by installing laptops into squad cars, allowing officers to have true two-way communication with dispatchers, keep track of other calls and incidents in real time, simplify paperwork, locate other cars, and make their exact coordinates known to dispatchersRead… Read more »

Introducing the Government Big Data Newsletter

The Government Big Data Newsletter grew out of the first Government Big Data Forum. The newsletter is meant to contribute to dialog in-between our in-person meetings, and will supplement information that is provided here on our Big Data articles. The newsletter is being produced in both hardcopy and electronic versions. Our intent is toRead… Read more »

Learning objects webinar

The Australian Flexible Learning Framework.will host a webinar on “e-Gems: Learning objects: Create, reuse and deploy for better teaching and learning online!”, by Helen Lynch,Canberra Institute of Technology, 12.30pm, 11 May 2011. e-Gems: Learning objects: Create, reuse and deploy for better teaching and learning online! Original post

When Public Housing Authority Management Means Document Management

If you’re a regular reader, you’ve probably wondered “Why does Terri get so jazzed about document management and government?” For the most part, it comes down to three words: public housing authorities (PHAs). PHAs? If yes, you know why I think document management’s a game changer in government. The legislation creating public housing and authoritiesRead… Read more »