Yearly Archives: 2011

Using Open Data to Map Vancouver’s Trees

This week, in preparation for the International Open Data Hackathon on Saturday, the Vancouver Parks Board shared one neighborhood of its tree inventory database (that I’ve uploaded to Buzzdata) so that we could at least see how it might be leveraged by citizens. What’s interesting is how valuable this data is already (and why itRead… Read more »

Is Black Friday Really Just “Occupy Wal-Mart?”

Tweet This commercial creeps me out in ways I can’t even begin to describe. I just don’t get Black Friday. I’ve tried to understand but it’s just not happening. Somehow the wonderful holiday of Thanksgiving, designed for us to spend time with family and friends and simply relax, has been unceremoniously cut short because peopleRead… Read more »

GovLaunch: Announcing the Federal Social Media Index

Today Expert Labs released their Federal Social Media Index (FSMI). According to the FSMI website, “We rank which federal agencies are doing the best job of engaging on social media through Twitter (and soon, through Facebook and Google+).” Expert Labs says they are constantly looking for ways to improve their methodology and improve how FSMIRead… Read more »

Post-Plenary Interviews from GOVgreen

We caught up with our Plenary Session participants yesterday to talk a bit more about sustainability in their respective companies. Visit the GOVgreen YouTube site for more interviews. Original post

The Six-Pack Viewers Guide – Week 14 College Football – from Govloop’s Bureaucrat on Sports, the Hokie Guru

Wow… the college football season… almost over… but stay tuned for our college football bowl pick’em contest right here on Govloop!! This will tide you through the holiday season, until get get to college hoops… Inclement Weather Policy Changes and Potential Salary Freeze Let’s start, though, with some important government news… OPM has updated itsRead… Read more »

Mission, Tool, Metrics, Teach: Now a Workshop!

First, my social media mantra was something I said and tweeted: mission, tool, metrics, teach. Then it was a blog post. Now I’ve created a workshop that I delivered recently at a conference. It combines several other presentations and things I’ve said and written over the past few years. At the conference, people sat 4-5Read… Read more »