Yearly Archives: 2011

Connecticut busway project gets federal funding boost

Connecticut is creating a new Busway designed to decrease congestion along I-84. The project was given a boost by the Federal Transit Administration (ATA) which awarded the state a $6.3 million grant. The grant will allow the state to acquire property and contract engineers. The Connecticut Department of Transportation proposed to construct the New Britain-HartfordRead… Read more »

Connecticut busway project gets federal funding boost

Connecticut is creating a new Busway designed to decrease congestion along I-84. The project was given a boost by the Federal Transit Administration (ATA) which awarded the state a $6.3 million grant. The grant will allow the state to acquire property and contract engineers. The Connecticut Department of Transportation proposed to construct the New Britain-HartfordRead… Read more »

Brand Advocacy Starts with a Good First Impression

For many of us, our first impression of a brand comes in the form of our initial sales experience. An integral part of that experience is our interaction with the salesperson. I recently purchased a new car – after several false starts and unremarkable first impressions. I ended up buying the car from the thirdRead… Read more »

Mobile Decisions | To App or Not to App, That is the Question

I will get some of this wrong. I am undoubtedly leaving much out. I am oversimplifying. However, as mobile development in the federal government continues to ramp up, tools to help agencies and individuals assess how (and when) to intelligently proceed are increasingly important. Recognizing that every situation is unique, an understanding of a fewRead… Read more »

The Biggest Barrier to Great Customer Service? Egos!

I had an interesting discussion with an esteemed colleague about my last blog post on making sure portal sites add value. One of my suggestions was to adopt a common design and publication standards across all agencies covered by the portal. He said, “Here’s a fact…every government entity will do what is in its bestRead… Read more »


Sales Professional Wanted! Must be able to fill out timely sales reports accurately! (actual recruiting ad) Increasingly we can amass formidable data on anything we want. Damn little is worth the effort involved to capture it. When I set up a new analytic, it usually falls into one of two categories, “Ooops, not useful,’ orRead… Read more »