Yearly Archives: 2011

Register for 16 Dec webinar on what the CIO and CTO need to know about developing secure code

On Friday, December 16th, 2011, will host a webinar featuring one of the great champions of secure code, Mr. Michael Howard. For more information and to register for this event see: More on the webinar: is pleased to announce a special opportunity to interact with Mr. Michael Howard, author of the SecurityRead… Read more »

Who’d be on your Open Government team?

Like Samuel L. Jackson, I’m putting together an elite team of superheroes… an OpenGov team! This will be an internal team at the City of Reno, made up of existing staff. The team’s mission would be to identify and implement opportunities to share data & information, as well as develop policies and procedures related toRead… Read more »

Feeding Feds and Saying Thanks

Being a government worker is a thankless job in most instances and that’s just not cool. Here at GovLoop we see the great work govies do day in and day out and we want to do something to say thanks. After all you are the people who make our community so great. On December 8thRead… Read more »

What is the Constitution Anyway?

Our schools don’t teach this stuff. The U.S. Constitution has been in the news more in recent years than at any time that I can remember. Many Republicans have been throwing temper tantrums about the Constitution. They screech and whine and holler that they just love it eversomuch, but they’re usually wrong about what itRead… Read more »