Yearly Archives: 2011

“Introducing Me,” The Public Manager’s New Editor

It’s good to have found and made some friends here on GovLoop. People who care about government are pretty special. Many were at the Press Club with me today to pay tribute to David Broder, who taught me and countless others much about the way The System works. If you’re curious about the latest fromRead… Read more »

Vendor Response to “Top Eight Priorities” in selecting a great tool for your telework program!

The Top Eight Priorities to Consider When Evaluating Video Conferencing Tools 1) Security – Security should be at the very core of the selection of any video conferencing system. You can easily begin your search by choosing from products that have met the strict standards set forth by NIST for FIPS 140-2, Level 1 Certification.Read… Read more »

Upcoming Harvard Ash School Webinar on Comm Engmt and Schools

We’re glad to share this announcement from the Power of Innovation program at Harvard’s Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation: “The Power of Social Innovation Series continues this month with practitioner-led webinars on timely on education reform and economic development. As you well know, most valuable lessons about innovation come from practitioners themselves. OurRead… Read more »

Understanding success

I’m struggling with something at the moment. I might be the only one. But I figured if I don’t post I wont find out. I don’t know how to judge my own success at my job. There, I’ve said it. In my old post, I had clear targets and objectives. I knew what I neededRead… Read more »

Happy Birthday, ACUS Chairman! Oh the places we’ll go!

Paul R. Verkuil, the tenth Chairman of the Administrative Conference of the United States, was sworn in by Vice President Biden on April 6, 2010. Today marks the one-year anniversary of the President Emeritus of the College of William & Mary and former Dean of the Tulane and Cardozo Law Schools’ appointment to lead theRead… Read more »

Web phrenology and the Digital Deca

I just read a very insightful ebook that is a funny yet poignant pictorial narrative about “how negative and positive organizational dynamics manifest on the Web.” It is called “The Digital Deca: 10 Management Truths for the Web Age” by Lisa Welchman of Welchman Pierpoint web governance consulting, and was evidently cited on April 27,Read… Read more »

Creating “Virtual Agencies”

When I worked for Vice President Gore’s reinventing government initiative, he told us “don’t move the boxes, fix what’s inside the boxes.” He also talked expansively about creating “virtual agencies” organized around the needs of each individual citizen. We had no idea what he was talking about when he was describing the Virtual Department ofRead… Read more »