Yearly Archives: 2011

Ideas for NAGC Board Retreat Friday?

The NAGC Board will conduct its annual retreat on Friday in Falls Church, VA. We’re going to spend the day discussing the past, present and future of NAGC. The agenda includes: Revising board positions 2012 NAGC Communications School Blue Pencil/Gold Screen Awards A new mentoring program Educational opportunities for members Partnerships NAGC Website redesign WhatRead… Read more »

District 5 Members Elected to Several AFL-CIO Boards in the Region

For the first time ever, District 5 now has seven AFGE members serving on the Executive Board of the AFL-CIO. This past August, Tennessee AFL-CIO Convention history was made when two AFGE Leaders from Local 2400 were unanimously elected as Vice Presidents of the Tennessee AFL-CIO. President Ron (B.R.) Hardison of AFGE Local 2400 wasRead… Read more »

Phone Tips & Tricks: Save Money! Use Your Phone!

The Phone Tips & Tricks series is supported by the Sprint Federal Employee Discount Program. To find awesome discounts visit the Sprint Federal Employee Discount resource center today. Today, some members of the GovLoop team headed to a DC lunch hot-spot for a special treat. They say there’s no such thing as a free lunch,Read… Read more »

HootSuite launches new App Directory

HootSuite, which gained prominence as a Twitter dashboard/management tool, launched a new App Directory last month. HootSuite had already added social media channel integration as they grew; their dashboard currently allows you to manage your Facebook, LinkedIn,, WordPress, MySpace, Foursquare and mixi pages/accounts (along with Twitter). And now they’ve expanded their reach again withRead… Read more »

Mission-Focused Analytics

What do we mean by “mission-focused analytics?” That is the focus of a new report co-sponsored by the Partnership for Public Service and the IBM Center for The Business of Government and released earlier today at an event with a panel of federal executives using analytics. “It’s like peeling back an onion. You cry aRead… Read more »

GOVgreen Conference Sessions You Shouldn’t Miss

There are a bunch of great Conference Sessions scheduled for this afternoon at GOVgreen, but we’ll highlight two for right now: Tools and Resources for Greening the Federal Supply Chain Lessons Learned from Space: Greening at NASA Centers Head over to GOVgreen – at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center – this afternoon to checkRead… Read more »

Are You the Next Face of GEICO?

Attention all GovLoopers with GEICO policies! Are you the next face of GEICO? As a proud supporter of Federal employees, GEICO is inviting a few policyholders to GEICO’s headquarters for a day of food, fun and freebies on Saturday, December 10, 2011 at 1:00 pm. GEICO also wants to hear your stories! Participants will beRead… Read more »

Department of Defense Missing OMB Deadline Reinforces That Data Center Consolidation is More Complex Than Imagined

Originally posted on Blue Coat’s Federal Blue Printblog On October 7, federal agencies needed to provide a progress report to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) that provides an update on all data center consolidation efforts. While many agencies met the OMB deadline, the Department of Defense (DoD) did not submit its report, andRead… Read more »

EA Governance Modeling

One of the issues about governance topics that seems to come up all the time is just how to visually represent it. Often governance seems to be displayed as a set of rules and responsibilities some body or person is held accountable for. However, that seems to only address the legal or accountability aspects ofRead… Read more »