Yearly Archives: 2011

Elements of local digital ecosystems

Apologies for using the word ecosystems – I just couldn’t be bothered thinking of anything less naff. So earlier I blogged about the ways NESTA identified that government can help support local digital activity. I mentioned that there are many different elements of the digital scene within a specific locality, so thought it only fairRead… Read more »

Good data, is the answer in the clouds?

Question I asked during a Q&A session at Transportation Camp East with H. Giovanni Carnaroli, Senior Accountable Official for Open Gov, USDOT, Peter Appel, Administrator of the Research and Innovative Technology Administration, USDOT, and Charles Monheim, Chief Operating Officer of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority. I have always questioned if technology and information gathered by theRead… Read more »

Digital America project looks at how state legislators use social media

Yesterday, my colleagues at DCI Group released an interactive map of the United States that details state government social media participation. This resource displays research that indicates at least 46 states have legislators actively using Twitter and more than one-third of these legislators are utilizing Facebook, putting access to state leaders at your fingertips. TheRead… Read more »

Renewable Energy Powering US Troops Overseas

Marines serving in Afghanistan now have another ally on their side – renewable energy. The Quantico Sentry reported that the 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment stationed in Afghanistan are currently utilizing a solar array to cut down the need for refueling convoys. The story includes a quote from a member of the Battalion who describesRead… Read more »

Research and Best Practices eNewsletter

Research Survey connects transparency and citizen satisfaction (03/01/2011) – PEW study finds open data creates a better relationship with government. Citizens who view their government as transparent are more satisfied with the overall government performance. Youth and the Internet (02/23/2011) – MacArthur study finds ways to build youth engagement with digital media. For many, spendingRead… Read more »

Facing the Truth

During the past few weeks, I have found it increasingly difficult to watch, listen to or read the news. While the budget battles continue, unemployment, health care and education are debated, and crisis in the Middle East continued, I took a moment to reflect on my reluctance to consume the litany of current events. TheRead… Read more »

How Cutting Corners Costs You More

It happens to all of us. You’re a developer or a project manager and here comes the customer or stakeholders asking about how to cut a few corners. Your spider-sense should be tingling, because usually this will cause you more pain than it’s worth. Get the Full Perspective In order to make a decision likeRead… Read more »