Yearly Archives: 2011

Are Your Social Media Activities Integrated with Business Lines?

Last weekend, I attended a conference at a nice resort and brought the whole family. We tried the hotel restaurant and went on Foursquare to look for tips and a possible check-in special. To my surprise, the hotel was very active on Foursquare and offered a free appetizer for checking into the restaurant. When IRead… Read more »

What to Expect this Week at GOVgreen: Education

GOVgreen will feature great educational sessions covering topics from five themes: Energy & Climate, Transportation & Fuels, Water & Wastewater, Behavior & Culture, Facilities and Infrastructure. Here’s a preview of what you’ll find: Climate Adaptation: Building Resilient Federal Agencies From Policy to Implementation: Master Planning at DoD Installations Clean Powering America’s Fleets: Electric Drive andRead… Read more »

Battle Royale: Mobile Web Versus Mobile Apps

When agency folks gather together to talk about mobile gov, the number one question asked is, “Should we do a mobile app or a mobile web site?” To help people with that question, we’re going to become fight promoters and sponsor THE BATTLE OF THE CENTURY!! Mobile Web Vs. Mobile Apps We will have twoRead… Read more »

The Decision to Trust Model

Last week, I posted some questions I had about creating organizational trust. Trust has been on my mind lately because of my research in complexity leadership, innovation, and culture change. A common theme in all these fields is building trust. Well, I don’t believe you can directly build trust. I believe it emerges from theRead… Read more »

Creative Commons: You are the power of open

Originally posted on Sharing just wouldn’t be the same without Creative Commons. Creative Commons recently launched their 2011 Creative Commons annual campaign: You are the power of open. Creative Commons has a significant influence on open government efforts, at all levels of government, worldwide. Jane Park explains the impact Creative Commons is having onRead… Read more »

2012 Event and Conference Radar

It’s that time of year again, and so I’ve started to add a few 2012 events to my calendar, both the kind I hope to attend in person as well as the ones I’ll likely have to follow remotely: South by South West Interactive (SXSWi) March 9-13, 2012 Austin, TX Details: International Conference: ParticipatoryRead… Read more »

Participatory Budgeting in the US and Canada: March 2012 in New York, NY

Josh Lerner (Co-Director, The Participatory Budgeting Project) shared this conference announcement via the NCDD listserv: International Conference: Participatory Budgeting in the US and Canada March 2012 New York City, NY From the email: In a time of widespread budget crises and plummeting trust in government, politicians and community members are searching for more democratic andRead… Read more »

Bring Code for America to Your Town in 2013!

Code for America’s Fellowship Program Join us for a Webinar on December 13 Space is limited. Reserve your Webinar seat now at: In Code for America’s first year we built more than 40 civic applications to help government provide services more openly and efficiently, and better engage with their constituents. But more importantly CodeRead… Read more »