Yearly Archives: 2011

Bidding On Government Contracts – Show Them The Money

One of the complaints small businesses make is Government agencies stick to bigger vendors and don’t try out new smaller companies. The reason for this, contract officers don’t like problems. If a contract gets awarded to a small vendor who proceeds to mess up the work, it means a headache and more work for theRead… Read more »

Ignorance is no defence

To start with, I will make a confession, before I started looking at Social Media (about 2-3 years ago), I wasn’t that familiar with the fine details (or small print) of the policies and terms of conditions of service that I was always subject too. But wanting to ensure that I stayed within “the law”Read… Read more »

Twitter function for GovLoop ?

Twitter’s 140 charecters (140 CHR$) limit is more restrictive than GovLoop. It does offer one advantage – follow. Its easy to see what a person is posting. This is far more refined than the broad “Lates Activity” – which is good! Should this be added ? Does it have a place here?

Recruitment 411: Twitter Hashtags – the Good, the Bad & the Useless

Anyone on Twitter knows the game: you update your status with no more than 140 characters, including spaces and hashtags. According to Twitter data, there are around 750 tweets posted every second – that’s almost 65 million tweets per day. Getting your tweet in front of the right audience can be a bit of aRead… Read more »

Chief Officer Central

Over the past two decades, Congress and the Executive Branch have created a series of “chief officer” positions in agencies, supported by cross-government councils. Council leaders are now changing the way they manage them to boost government efficiency and effectiveness in lean times. Agencies facing increasingly challenging fiscal environments are looking for ways to makeRead… Read more »

This is Govable: The U.S. Air Force Small Business Website

Get ready for another installment of This is Govable, a series that will highlight positive government examples of improved collaboration through technology and design. Today’s example that I’d like to share with you is the U.S. Air Force Small Business website*. (Background information provided by Tim Dzyacky): The U.S. Air Force Small Business program hasRead… Read more »