Yearly Archives: 2011

Research and Best Practices eNewsletter

Research Consumer New Media Study (02/22/2011) – When it comes to social media networks, 46% of customers want to solve a problem and nearly 40% want to give feedback, according to a study from Cone, Inc. To register and download the report go to: How-to Guide for Creating Open Government (01/15/2011) – An easy-to-useRead… Read more »

Twitter, politics, lobbying, connected charities, and more in my political law links of the day

HOW SHOULD POLITICIANS USE TWITTER? That’s the topic of this e.politics collaborative effort between Sandi Fox and Sean Hurley. (I follow back almost everyone who follows me on Twitter.) In other Twitter news, a tweet sparked a controversy involving a lobbyist and lawmakers in Missouri and you can read more about that here. And inRead… Read more »

Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya.

You interfered with the productivity of my project team member. Prepare to die. I saw this as a twitter status on my #agile view recently and couldn’t resist doing a blog post with this theme from The Princess Bride. It’s a topic I’m very passionate about. (Productivity that is. Well, I like the movie too!)Read… Read more »

NGA to use Mass playbook on STEM education

The National Governors Association (NGA) Center for Best Practices, Innovate + Educate, has designated Massachusetts as the national model for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education initiatives. Massachusetts STEM Council will work with Innovate + Educate on best practices for STEM education initiatives nationwide. Last summer, Massachusetts started working with NASA as part ofRead… Read more »