Yearly Archives: 2011

Six Sigma Applied to Green ICT

Green ICT Project Officer Samuel Fernandes will discuss “Project planning: Using the Six Sigma methodology” At the Australian National University in Canberra, 11 am, 17 March 2011. Sam is a former student of Green Information Technology Strategies, now working on reducing the ANU’s greenhouse gas emissions.WorkshopProject planning: Using the Six Sigma methodologyThe ANU Project ManagementRead… Read more »

Čyras on Legal Frameworks of Virtual Worlds

Professor Dr. Vytautas Čyras of the Vilnius University Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics has posted On a Legal Framework in a Virtual World: Lessons from the VirtualLife Project, on the VoxPopuLII Blog, published by the Legal Information Institute at Cornell University Law School. In this post, Professor Čyras describes the regulatory infrastructure of VirtualLife, theRead… Read more »

Can emerging democracies skip Gov 1.0 and start with electronic Opengov?

In looking at the middle east, its still an open question as to whether the countries engaged in overthrowing their decades old dictators can begin to move toward nascent emerging democracies. But if they do, we know the process of becoming a stable, democratic society is a long-term exercise. But is there a corallary betweenRead… Read more »

Gumby Goes to the White House

President Obama signed a memo to all agency heads yesterday with an unwieldy title: “Administrative Flexibility, Lower Costs, and Better Results for State, Local, and Tribal Governments.’ But it contains the seeds of a potential shift in how the federal government works, if implemented smartly. Over the years, presidents have directed agencies to streamline theirRead… Read more »

Getting it Right: Critical Success Factors for Change Management Initiatives, Part 2

As a follow-up to last week’s blog this week’s entry focuses on the five additional Critical Success Factors (CSF) that a successful Change Management (CM) program needs. To recap, in last week’s blog, I discussed in detail the following five factors: Effective program management Strong support from the executive champion Clear goals and specificRead… Read more »