Yearly Archives: 2011

Roads less travelled, the pain involved & the reasons to persevere #gov20 #opengov #wiunion

Tweet The Road Less Travelled in Worth It! With my wife, I am constantly trying to raise two daughters to be prepared for life in a sometimes turbulent world. The daily conversations are primarily mundane (Spongebob or Disney), but from time to time, more often lately, the topics turn to deeper philosophy and how toRead… Read more »

North Carolina looking at measure to limit municipal broadband

North Carolina is considering a bill that would keep municipalities from operating their own broadband networks. The bill in its original form was recently challenged by Salisbury, a municipality in North Carolina that currently runs its own broadband network – Fibrant. After the bill’s sponsors met with Salisbury Mayor Susan Kluttz they agreed to pullRead… Read more »

Cook County debuts two WordPress Web sites, new social media channels

The new Cook County Government homepage is a place where citizens can find out about news, deadlines, programs and other information to help them interact with the county in a smarter way. Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle said transparency means delivering useful information to the public in real time. This Web site is designedRead… Read more »

March Get Redy and Red Cross Month

Feds hit social media geeting people ready! Get ready. Ready for what? Ready for almost anything. Sound impossible? Ready for everything is. Being prepared in general makes one more prepared. That is why Ready.Gov is using Twitter, YouTube, web sites, emails – even Facebook are being used to move people. Did I mention this isRead… Read more »

Protecting Your Identity – Tips for the Travelling Fed

Goal: Protect your identity at home and on the road. How To Protect Your Identity: 1. Photocopy the front and back of every card in your wallet. Keep these copies someplace safe at home. 2. When travelling, remove everything except your driver’s license, regular credit or debit card and one backup for emergencies. 3. RemoveRead… Read more »

What Do You Mean “Test the Requirements”?

Guest post by Jennifer Bedell Everyone knows it is less costly to identify defects early in the project lifecycle, but how early can we go? Typically, we create a project plan that allows for testers to become involved before the actual testing phase. This gives them an opportunity to review the requirements and create testRead… Read more »