Yearly Archives: 2011

Washington secures $590m in passenger rail funds

Washington will get $590 million in federal funds to improve the Amtrak Cascades rail corridor from Portland to Seattle. Washington was originally awarded the money in early 2010, however, a new agreement was reached yesterday between the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) that commits FRA to allocate 2009Read… Read more »

What you need to know about Unemployment (if you need it)

So… I’m hoping that none of you need to visit me at the office anytime soon – because that is not awesome. However, it’s better to face the beast prepared – so here’s what Federal Employees may want to know about filing for unemployment. BIG DISCLAIMER: Unemployment is a state program and it varies whereRead… Read more »

Defining Total Cost of Ownership of Government Software – Part III: The “O”

Ownership. It’s a beautiful word in government. “Ownership” exudes control over technology in a sector where control is often hard to come by. There are always new laws, new elected officials, new mandates and new needs. While technology is often purchased to address these needs, sometimes the technology isn’t able to be controlled by theRead… Read more »

Data Centre as a Service

The Australian Government Information Management Office (AGIMO), has issued a “Data Centre as a Service Discussion Paper” and invited industry comment. The Data Centre as a Service (DCaaS) facility would provide a shared data centre for smaller agencies (5o spend less than $2M a year on ICT). It is planned to have the service availableRead… Read more »