Yearly Archives: 2011

Broadband for Environment and Education

Note: this is a HTML version of Submission 017 to the Inquiry into the role and potential of the National Broadband Network, received by the Australian House of Representatives Standing Committee on Infrastructure and Communications, 14 February 2011. Broadband for a Broad Land: The role and potential benefits of the National Broadband Network the forRead… Read more »

Don’t Be Your Own Worst Enemy

“Sterling, you are your own worst enemy,” my father told me. He was right. And it was one of the best lessons I’ve learned. I”ll spare you the exact details, but my life changed that day. That was December 28, 2008. I’ve made more mistakes in my young life than I care to remember, butRead… Read more »

Toward Wiser Public Judgment

I was pleasantly surprised to find a copy of Daniel Yankelovich and Will Friedman’s new book in my mailbox yesterday. Toward Wiser Public Judgment (2011) revisits and expands upon Yankelovich’s seminal 1991 book, Coming to Public Judgment, which argued that people advance through several distinct stages to form politically meaningful judgments about public issues. InRead… Read more »

A Masters in Public Technology?

Tom Steinberg: There is barely a not-for-profit, social enterprise or government body I can think of that wouldn’t benefit from a Duncan Parkes or a Matthew Somerville on the payroll, so long as they had the intelligence and self-discipline not to park them in the server room. Why? Because just one person with the skills,Read… Read more »

Federal Cloud Computing Strategy Officially Launched

Federal CIO Vivek Kundra officially launched the Federal Cloud Computing Strategy today. While this is clearly not new news, the document does state the government’s position in a very succint manner. By using the cloud computing model for IT services, we will be able to reduce our data center infrastructure expenditure by approximately 30% (whichRead… Read more »

Speaking/Workshop Program: “Gentoring” ™: Building a New Mentoring Role for Bridging the Generational-Digital Divide or “Don’t Be Afraid to Pet the Dinosaur!”

In today’s 24/7 always on, multicultural world and workforce, rapidly cycling between constant upgrading and “doing more with less,” creating communication and team coordination bridges among the organizational generations (and among all its culturally diverse components) is mission and morale critical. There’s definitely a need for a wide communication-relationship highway to surmount the digital divideRead… Read more »

Greek Monks and Open Government #gov20 #opengov

Tweet Did the Greek Monks Destroy the Country or was it Lack of Government Transparency? Reviewing some of the older pieces on the true greek tragedy (in economic terms) and finally read through the whole of the great Vanity Fair article by Michael Lewis (“Beware of Greek s Bearing Bonds”). The detail in the articleRead… Read more »

Calls for Papers: Workshops @ ICAIL 2011

Calls for papers, with diverse submission deadlines, have been issued for the workshops at ICAIL 2011: The International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law; the workshops are scheduled to be held 6 and 10 June 2011, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. DESI IV: Workshop on Setting Standards for Searching Electronically Stored Information in Discovery Proceedings, 6Read… Read more »