Yearly Archives: 2011

Authenticity is my only metric

My thoughts are a mess – this week has been intense both on and off the ice; invariably many thoughts have passed through my head, but I haven’t had the time I need to collect them. That said, I suggest you read the transcript from this year’s Gordon Osbaldeston Lecture given by Allan Gregg (aRead… Read more »

PM Podcast Episode 199: How to Implement Project Portfolio Management

This week’s episode of The Project Management Podcast: In our first interview with Jamal Moustafaev, PMP ( we looked at what portfolio management is and what benefits it will bring to a company once they have it implemented. But how do you implement it? Where do you start with portfolio management and what strategic approachesRead… Read more »

DARPA’s Cyber Fast Track Adds Agility to Research Funding

As new attacks and vulnerabilities are being rapidly discovered on expanding defense networks, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has launched a new way to keep pace with attackers with its Cyber Fast Track program to quickly fund cybersecurity research. Cyber Fast Track increases the agency’s agility by looking at unconventional sources, hackers and boutiqueRead… Read more »

What is Environmental Innovation Management Software?

Last week, we briefly outlined the basic categories of innovation management software. Today, we’re profiling environmental innovation management. The name is slightly misleading; although some companies, such as Toyota, use this term to invite their customers to submit specific ecological concerns relating to concepts such as land and water use, the term is also usedRead… Read more »

Seeking Local Government Acroynms

Your help is requested. During my extensive time in local government we used a variety of acroynms . Acroynms that would help us briefly describe the issue before us. Below is a list of the some of the acroynms I frequently used. If you have any, or know of any, acryonms used in local governmentsRead… Read more »

The Main Problem with Transparency In Government

A city council decided to adopt a “get tough on drunk drivers” and passed a resolution authorizing the Police Chief to hire a new part-time officer. The local media reported that the sole pupose of this new position within the police department was to crack down on drunk drivers on Friday and Saturday nights. WhenRead… Read more »

Thankful For You

It’s Thanksgiving in the USA today. So here’s something I’m thankful for. Those of you who strive for competence, instead of just a title. Those of you who value real knowledge and wisdom, instead of a piece of paper. I know you are someone who values competence and the ability to add real value, becauseRead… Read more »

Thanksgiving, the U.S. Constitution, and American Ignorance

Thursday is Thanksgiving Day, but the first federal Thanksgiving Day Proclamation wasn’t about Pilgrims, or a difficult winter, or a civil war. It was about the United States Constitution. And this is a good time to read it. Read More …